Class: SbCl: InCl: MgOr: Order: Family: Genus: Species: |
Mammalia Theria Eutheria Laurasiatheria Pholidota Manidae Manis M. tricuspis |
Manis tricuspis
other resources: |
natural bone skeleton articulated and mounted Spring 2011 BIO 270 class Wesleyan College
adaptations for eating skull - note exteme reduction in mandible, teeth, zygomatic arch, eye sockets
adaptations for climbing and digging manus (front foot) - note large, curved claws and enlarged middle digit
adaptations for climbing pes (hind foot) - note large, curved claws
adaptations for eating thorax and abdomen - note extended xiphoid cartilage spurs for abdominal attachment of the tongue (yes, the tongue!) [dissection discussion & photo] |
adaptations for climbing tail - note interhaemal arch "chevron" bones which protect the caudal artery in the prehensile tail |
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Rev. 5.13