The ecological
relationship between plants and the fungi that colonize
their roots is both ancient and widespread. Fossils of the
earliest land plants, dated at over 400 million years old,
have evidence of fungal hyphae associated with their roots.
About 90% of plant species have mycorrhizae, the name for
the fungal structures that grow on and in plant roots.
But what do these fungi do, exactly? Mycorrhizae are an
example of a symbiosis, an ecological relationship between
two species in which they are intimately associated with
each other. Some but not all symbioses are also mutualistic,
meaning that both species involved in the interaction
benefit from the presence of the other. Mycorrhizae are
beneficial to plants because they help roots to acquire
mineral elements from the soil (e.g., phosphorus); in turn,
the fungus gets carbohydrates produced by the plant during
photosynthesis. (Can you think of an actual example where
two species exhibit a non-mutualistic symbiosis?)
The vast majority of mycorrhizae are from the phylum
Glomeromycota in the Kingdom Fungi. These fungi form
arbuscular mycorrhizae (formerly called “endomycorrhizae”),
where the hyphae make microscopic branching structures (arbuscules)
inside (thus, “endo-“) root cells. Another kind of
mycorrhizae, ectomycorrhizae, is characteristic of the phyla
Zygomycota, Basidiomycota, and Ascomycota. In
ectomycorrhizae, the fungal hyphae form a sheath surrounding
the plant root and may grow between cortical cells of the
root, but do not actually penetrate cell walls. The table
summarizes the kinds of mycorrhizae and the types of plants
with which they form symbiotic relationships.
Kingdom Fungi and Mycorrhizae
Fungal Phylum |
Type of Mycorrhizae* |
Plants Associated with
these Mycorrhizae |
Chytridiomycota |
None |
N/A |
Zygomycota |
Ectomycorrhizae |
Mostly trees |
Basidiomycota |
Ectomycorrhizae |
Mostly trees |
Ascomycota |
Ectomycorrhizae |
Mostly trees |
Glomeromycota |
Arbuscular Mycorrhizae |
Grasses, other non-woody plants, some trees |
In this part of the lab, you will carry out a multi-week experiment
testing the effects of fungal mycorrhizae on plant growth,
then you will stain and view fungi microscopically.
plastic pots: 8 per group or 4 students
pea gravel
playground sand
organic soil (no additives), baked at 204oC for 1
hour to kill soil microbes and fungi
organic seeds of one species form each of the following
two plant groups:
mycorrhizal-dependent species:
marigold, bean, cucumber
non-mycorrhizal-dependent species: broccoli, mustard, radish
commercial mycorrhizal inoculum:
Arbico Organics Root Maximizer
Mycorrhizal Fungi (
watering cans
¼ teaspoon measure
label tape
The methods and general design
of this exercise are modified from Johnson et al. (2009).
The question you will address in this exercise is “how does
the presence of mycorrhizae influence growth of plants?” To
address this question, you grow plants for several weeks
under identical rearing conditions, using soil under two
treatment conditions:
treatment 1 - experimental - with commercial mycorrhizae
treatment 2 - control - without commercial mycorrhizae .
As a group of 4 students you will will be assigned two plant
species 1 - a mycorrhizal-dependent species (marigold, bean,
species 2 - a non-mycorrizal-dependent species (broccoli,
mustard, or radish)
Your group will use 2 replicate
pots per treatment/species combination - for a total of
eight pots per lab group.
Start by obtaining 8 pots and
labeling each one with your group initials, the plant
species, and the soil treatment (experimental or control).
The instructor will demonstrate the specific method for
preparing each pot and sowing the seeds. You will sow
5 seeds per pot.
When you have finished sowing
all of the seeds in all eight pots, gently water each one
until water flows out of the bottom of the pot. When
all of your pots have been watered, move them to your
designated space in the Green Knights Greenhouse on the
third floor (roof) of the Munroe Science Center.
For the next several weeks, you
will need to check your plants daily and water them as
necessary to keep the soil moist.
At the end of 3 weeks you will
need to thin each pot by carefully removing all but one of
the growing plants. Try to keep the largest/most
centrally located plant in each pot.
After 7 weeks you will harvest
and measure your plants during the lab period for Lab #9:
Diversity of the Plants, as described below.
newspaper or aluminum trays
rulers (cm) or electronic calipers
analytical balance
small scissors
During Lab #9 you will harvest
your plants and measure two dependent variables for each:
plant height (cm) and total plant mass (g; including all
leaves, stems, roots).
Keeping careful track of which
treatment each plant came from, do the following for each
First use the ruler or calipers to measure the total height
(to the nearest mm)
the soil level to the tallest point of the plant.
Record this datum to your
data sheet.
Over a tray or newspaper carefully tip out the contents of
the pot. Gently
off the dirt.
Rinse the roots in tap water, then blot the roots dry with a
paper towel.
Using the analytical balance, weigh the plant to the nearest
.0001 gram.
this datum to your data sheet.
Return the plant to its labeled pot. Do not discard
the plants; samples from
roots will be used for the final part of this exercise.
gloves, safety goggles, aprons
5% (vol/vol) ink-vinegar solution made from:
Schaeffer black ink
white household vinegar, (5% acetic acid)
10% (wt/vol) KOH (potassium-hydroxide)
tongs for lifting beakers
glass microscope slides and cover slips
compound microscopes
The method of staining roots presented here is after
Vierheilig et al. (1998).
Be sure to wear gloves, eyewear, and an apron during this
Obtain root samples from 1 plant per experimental treatment
and stain them for viewing under the microscope. (If your
group tested 2 replications of 2 species each of 2 different
treatments, then you will have 8 root samples.) Root samples
should be about 2 cm long from the tips of the root.
The percentage of plants staining successfully may be about
50%, so replicates are important for the success of this
technique. In addition, by staining a number of samples, the
percentage of roots with fungi present is a convenient way
to summarize whether the soil harbors fungal spores and
hyphae and/or whether the plant species is dependent or not
on mycorrhizae for optimal growth. Therefore, the instructor
will ask students to pool their data at the end of class.
Clearing roots:
a. rinse roots in tap water to clean off any residual
soil particles
b. boil roots in 10% KOH for 3-5 minutes (longer for
bean; shorter
for cucumber)
c. rinse roots in tap water
Staining roots: boil roots for 3 minutes in 5%
ink-vinegar solution
Rinsing roots: rinse the roots in tap water + a few
drops of vinegar for
20 minutes
Viewing roots:
a. make a wet mount of each root and view the root
under a compound
b. roots should appear brownish-red and fungal
structures should appear black
c. for each root sample determine if mycorrhizae are
Make three bar graphs using your data: 1) soil treatment
and plant species vs. plant height (cm), 2) soil treatment
and plant species vs. total plant mass (g), and 3) plant
species (mycorrhizal-dependent and non-mycorrhizal-dependent)
vs. mean effects of soil organisms. See examples of what
these graphs will look like in Figures 1 and 2 below.
To determine the mean effects of soil organisms on plant
growth (i.e., is their effect mutualistic or antagonistic?),
using the following equation (from Johnson et al. 2009):
Mean effects of soil organisms = (PLANT
MASS experimental – PLANT MASS control)
If the plant mass with mycorrhizae (experimental) is greater
than the plant mass when mycorrhizae are absent (control),
the mean effects of soil organisms are positive, or
mutualistic. On the other hand, if the plant mass with
mycorrhizae (experimental) is less than the plant mass when
mycorrhizae are absent (control), the mean effects of soil
organisms are negative, or parasitic/competitive.
Share your results from the root staining and viewing
procedure with the class. From the pooled data
calculate the percentage of of roots with mycorrhyzae for
each species under each treatment condition.

Figure 1. Soil
treatment (living or dead) and plant species vs. plant
weight (g).
Data redrafted from Johnson et al. 2009, Figure 4B. Corn and
Marigold are mycorrhizal-
dependent species and broccoli is not. Note: the graph of
soil treatment vs.
plant height (cm) will have a similar layout.

Figure 2. Soil
treatment vs. mean effects of soil organisms. Data redrafted
Johnson et al. 2009, Figure 4C. Corn and Marigold are
species and broccoli is not.
What effect, if any, did the addition of commercial inoculum
(Arbico Organics Root Maximizer Mycorrhizal Fungi) have on
plant growth? Would you recommend the use of inoculum to a
forester or farmer?
Is there a difference in the response of mycorrhizal-dependent
vs. non-mycorrhizal-dependent plant species to the presence
of mycorrhizae in the soil? Explain, based on your data.
Are all soil fungi mutualistic? Name some other ecological
roles that fungi perform in soils, providing actual examples
to support your answer.
What other organisms might be present in soils? (Think
broadly, in a taxonomic sense) Would you predict their
effects on plant growth to be mutualistic, parasitic,
competitive, or some combination? How could you tell if a
particular effect of soil organisms on plant growth was the
result of parasitism or competition?
Johnson, N.C., V.B. Chaudhary, J.D. Hoeksema, J.C. Moore, A.
Pringle, J.A. Umbanhowar, and G.W.T. Wilson. 2009.
Mysterious Mycorrhizae? A field trip and classroom
experiment to demystify the symbioses formed between planta
and fungi. The American Biology Teacher 71: 424-429.
Vierheilig, H., A.P. Coughlan, U. Wyss, and Y. Piche. 1998.
Ink and vinegar, a simple staining technique for
arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 64: 5004-5007.