BIO211 Weekly Guide #2




After completing this laboratory you should be able to:


1)   Distinguish clearly between systemic and pulmonary circulations


2)   Identify the chambers, great vessels, major external structures, intrinsic vessels, and major internal structure of the heart


3)   Recognize and describe the structure of the pericardium, distinguishing between the visceral and parietal pericardium


4)   Describe in some detail how the heartbeat originates, spreads, and is physiologically regulated


5)   Describe the anatomical and physiological bases of heart sounds and the EKG and the basic technology for assessing these


6)   Define heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output and be able to state approximate "healthy" values for each in adults, using appropriate units of measurement


7)   Define Starling's Law of the Heart and relate it to both cardiac muscle function and passive control of cardiac output


8)   Define Fick's Principle and use it to calculate cardiac output from indirect measures




















Gross Anatomy List

Guide to Gross Anatomy Guide to Histology Guide to Physiology




I.  The Cardiovascular System {FAP 20-Introduction}


       A. Cardiovascular system vs. other circulations

       B. Systemic vs. pulmonary circulations

       C. "Portal" circulations

       D. Role of the heart


II. Heart Anatomy {FAP 20-1}


       A. Gross anatomy

               location and size

               chambers, septa, great vessels, valves, associated structures

               blood flow pattern - oxygenated vs. nonoxygenated blood

               relative pressure relationships

               coronary circulation

               fetal cardiac circulation

       B.  Pericardium

               visceral (epicardium) & parietal layers

               fibrous and serous layers

               pericardial "space" & fluid

       C. Histology



                      specializations - pectinate muscles, papillary muscles, trabeculae carnae

               epicardium = visceral pericardium

               valve structure - rings, leaflets, chordae tendineae


III. Heart Physiology {FAP 20-2, 20-3, 20-4}


       A. Cardiac cycle

               sequence and approximate timing

               heart sounds


                    excitation vs. contraction

                    conduction paths

                         AV and SA nodes

                         bundle of His

                         Purkinje fibers

               pressure/volume relationships {FAP Fig 20-17, 20-18}


                      intrinsic rhythms - pacemakers

                      output regulation by venous return - Starling's Law of the Heart

                      nervous control - vagus (parasympathetic) vs. sympathetic effects

                      hormonal control - epinephrine, auriculin

       B. Cardiac Assessment  {FAP Fig 20-13}


               heart murmurs


                Fick's Principle

       C. Cardiac Syndromes  {FAP Spotlight 20-10, 20-14}

               myocardial infarction

               cardiac arrhythmias

               coronary artery disease

               congestive heart failure 


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Gross Anatomy List


Structures Surrounding the Heart:



               visceral and parietal


Heart External Structures:

       apex                                           ascending aorta                coronary sinus

       base                                           pulmonary trunk               aortic arch

       diaphragmatic surface                 superior vena cava           brachiocephalic artery

       atrioventricular groove                inferior vena cava             left common carotid artery

       interventricular groove                pulmonary veins               left subclavian artery

       auricles                                       coronary arteries              ligamentum arteriosum


Heart Internal Structures:

       Right Atrium:                                                          Left Atrium:

               openings:                                                           openings:

                    superior vena cava                                            pulmonary veins

                    inferior vena cava

                    coronary sinus

               interatrial septum

               fossa ovalis

               pectinate muscles


       Right Ventricle:                                                      Left Ventricle:

               tricuspid valve                                                            mitral (bicuspid) valve

               interventricular septum                                               trabeculae carnae

               trabeculae carnae                                                       papillary muscles

               papillary muscles                                                        chordae tendineae

               chordae tendineae


       Pulmonary Trunk:                                                   Ascending Aorta:

               pulmonary semilunar valve                                          aortic semilunar valve

                                                                                                coronary artery openings

                                                                                                sinuses of Valsalva


Key:                Know location and function of all structures

                        Not required


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Guide to Gross Anatomy


Mediastinum    {FAP Fig 20--2, 20-3}


The mediastinum is the region in the middle of the thorax, between the lungs, bounded  by the mediastinal pleurae, the diaphragm, the thoracic vertebrae, and the sternum and costal cartilages.


-      List the structures which share the mediastinum with the heart.


Heart Models   {FAP Fig 20-3, 20-6, 20-9; APL Exercise 17-1}


The heart is a muscular organ, about the size of your fist, which lies in the middle region of the inferior mediastinum.  It is enclosed in and suspended by the pericardium, a tough double sac of fibrous connective tissue. 


a)   On the models and heart preparations locate the following regions of the heart:


                    apex           base     diaphragmatic surface


-    The heart lies obliquely in the thorax, so that roughly 2/3 of it lies to the left of the midsagittal plane.  On average, the base is at the level of the sternal articulation of the 3rd costal cartilage, while the apex is at the level of the 5th intercostal space.  However, there is a great deal of variation between individuals.


b)  On the models and heart preps locate the following external surface structures of the heart:


                       atrioventricular groove                                right & left auricles

                       ant. & post. interventricular grooves     


-    The atrioventricular groove traces the division between which chambers of the heart?


-    The interventricular grooves traces the division between which chambers of the heart?


-    Of which heart chambers are the auricles extensions?


c)   Locate the following great vessels and related structures:


                    ascending aorta                                          superior vena cava

                    aortic arch                                                  inferior vena cava

                    brachiocephalic artery                                 pulmonary trunk

                    left common carotid artery                          pulmonary arteries

                    left subclavian artery                                   pulmonary veins

                    ligamentum arteriosum


-    For each vessel be able to identify the region that it supplies or drains.


-    Which vessels carry oxygenated blood?  Which carry deoxygenated blood?


-    The ligamentum arteriosum is a remnant of the ductus arteriosus, which shunts blood from the left pulmonary artery to the distal aortic arch in the fetus.  What is the purpose of this shunt?


d)  On the models and heart preps locate the following internal structures of the heart:


                       left atrium:

                              pulmonary vein openings

                       right atrium:

                              superior vena cava opening                  coronary sinus opening

                              inferior vena cava opening                    pectinate muscles

                       interatrial septum:

                              fossa ovalis

                       left ventricle:

                              trabeculae carnae        cordae tendineae          aortic semilunar valve

                              papillary muscles         mitral (bicuspid) valve

                       right ventricle:

                              trabeculae carnae        cordae  tendineae         pulmonary semilunar valve

                              papillary muscles         tricuspid valve

                       interventricular septum


-    Trace the flow of blood through one complete circuit of the circulatory system.  What is the sequence of heart chambers and great heart vessels that a blood corpuscle would encounter on this circuit? 


-    Note that the heart is actually two pumps.  The left one receives pulmonary (lung) return and supplies the systemic (body) circulation.  The right one receives systemic return and supplies the pulmonary circulation.  Which side pumps a higher volume of blood?  Which side pumps at a higher average pressure?


-    The interatrial septum and the interventricular septum form the walls between the two atria and the two ventricles, respectively.  A prominent feature of the interatrial septum is the  fossa ovalis, a sealed connective tissue flap.  At birth, this flap covers   the foramen ovale, which shunts blood from the inferior vena cava through the right atrium to the left atrium in the fetus.  What is the purpose of this fetal shunt?


-    Why is the wall of the left ventricle much thicker than the that of the right ventricle?  Similarly, why are the trabeculae carnae and the papillary muscles so much better developed in the left ventricle than the right?


-    Study the heart models and heart preps and develop a set of criteria which will allow you to tell the chambers apart, based solely on the appearance of the chamber walls.


-    One very common source of confusion for students is the true anatomical (spatial) relationship between the heart chambers.  Drawings in texts, charts, and even most models, depict the right and left atria and ventricles as lying side by side, with the septae in roughly horizontal and sagittal planes.  In reality the heart spirals from base to apex and is positioned obliquely in the thorax.  This places the interatrial and interventricular septae in roughly coronal planes, and the atrioventricular septum in an oblique plane.  The left ventricle lies anterior to the right ventricle, while the right atrium lies anterior to the left atrium.  Study the model and plasticized hearts until you are comfortable with the spatial relationships.


-    The atrioventricular valves prevent backflow of blood from the ventricles to the atria when the ventricles contract (systole).  They have broad flat triangular leaves(cusps) which are seated in fibrous rings.  Between which two chambers does the mitral (bicuspid) valve lie?  Between which two chambers does the tricuspid valve lie?  How do the papillary muscles and chordae tendineae contribute to the function of the atrioventricular valves?


-    The semilunar valves prevent backflow of blood from the aortic and pulmonary trunks into the ventricles between contractions (intersystole or diastole).  They are named for the shape of their cusps.  Study diagrams of the cusps until you understand why the backflow of blood causes them to close.


e)   The arterial blood supply to the heart is via the coronary arteries.  These branch from the ascending aorta immediately after its exit from the heart.  Most of the venous drainage of the cardiac circulation is via the network of cardiac veins to the coronary sinus.  The coronary sinus empties into the right atrium near the fossa ovalis.


-    Identify the right and left coronary arteries and the coronary sinus on the models and heart preps.  Which of the surface grooves does each occupy?


-    The aortic openings of the coronary arteries are located in small cavities behind two of the cusps of the aortic semilunar valve.  These cavities are called the sinuses of Valsalva.  A proposed function of these sinuses is to create eddy currents which prevent the valve cusps from blocking the coronary artery apertures when the valves are open.


f)   Study the conduction mechanism of the heart.


-    On a heart model trace the path of electrical impulse spread, pointing out the location of the major specialized structures - the SA node, the AV node, the bundle of His (AV bundle).


-    Locate the vagus nerves which act to slow the heart rate and reduce stroke volume.


g)   The heart is surrounded by the pericardium, a doubled sac.  The pericardium has an inner visceral (organ) and an outer parietal (wall) layer.  The visceral pericardium is fused to the heart muscle, and is identical to the epicardium.  The visceral and parietal layers are separated by the pericardial cavity, a "virtual" space which contains a thin layer of serous fluid which provides lubrication and allows the heart to move within the thorax.


-    Note that the pericardial cavity lies between the visceral and parietal pericardia and not between the heart and the visceral pericardium.  It is very important that you understand this relationship well, because analogous relationships hold for the pleurae of the lungs and the peritoneum of the abdominal cavity.  If necessary, have the instructor or a classmate demonstrate the relationship with a plastic bag and his/her fist.


-    Note that both the visceral pericardium and the parietal pericardium have two distinct histological layers - a fibrous layer of dense irregular C.T. which provides structural integrity, and a serous pericardium (mesothelium) of simple squamous epithelium which produces the pericardial fluid.


Sheep Heart Dissection   {FAP Fig 20-6; APL Exercise 17-1)


Work in small groups to dissect the preserved sheep heart, following the final part of Exercise 1 and the handouts.  Be able to identify the surface features, chambers, great vessels, valves, and associated structures in the preserved heart


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Guide to Histology


There are no loan collection slides which deal specifically with the heart, except for the cardiac muscle slides which you examined last semester.  As a review and clarification of what was presented in the lecture, work through the following:


1)   Review the structure and function of the three heart layers, the endocardium, the myocardium, and the epicardium.


2)   Review the layers of the pericardium.  To which layer of the cardiac wall does the visceral pericardium correspond?  What is the product of the serous pericardia?

      {FAP Fig 20-4}


3)   Review the structure and identifying features of cardiac muscle.  In which layer of the cardiac wall is cardiac muscle found?   {FAP Fig 20-5; APL Fig 17.12}


4)   For what purpose are the specialized cardiac muscle fibers constituting the Purkinje fibers and the moderator band adapted?  Where are they located and how do they differ from ordinary cardiac muscle fibers?


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Guide to Physiology


Cardiac Conduction {FAP Fig 20-12}


Work through this APL exercise to review the cardiac conduction pathways and the pattern of initiation and spread of excitation in each heart cycle.


EKG {FAP Fig 20-13; APL Exercise 19-5}


1)   Start up the computer and log on as PhysioStudent (the instructor will provide the password).  Turn on the PowerLab box.  Select AP EKG to start the Chart application

      with a simple EKG setup.


2)   Hookup the subject to the PowerLab, using the following guide:


a)   Snap new electrodes onto the three EKG leads (red, white, and black).


b)   Stick the WHITE electrode to the subject's  RIGHT WRIST.

      Stick the BLACK electrode to the subject's  LEFT WRIST.

      Stick the RED or GREEN electrode to the subject's  LEFT ANKLE.


c)   Attach the clip on the EKG gray cable somewhere convenient on the subject's clothing.


3)   Have the subject relax in a seated position, with her forearms supinated and resting on her thighs.  Make sure that her hands are relaxed.  Start the Chart display.  The instructor will help you adjust the display ranges and any other Chart parameters to produce an effective EEG display with an appropriate plotting range.


4)   Note that the upper trace (CH1) is the EKG, while the lower trace and the box insert are monitoring heart rate.


5)   Once you have good settings, run the display for at least a minute, to get a good baseline display.


6)   Your instructor will show you how to select and "zoom" a section of the EKG and print it out.


7)   Transfer the electrode leads to another member of your group.


8)   On your printout, identify the following EKG component peaks and measures, and compare them to the "normal" values below.


     "Normal" resting baseline values for the duration and voltage of different phases of the EKG complex are:


              P wave:      0.1 sec duration                             P-R interval:    0.13 to 0.16 sec

                                0.2 mV amplitude                          Q-T interval:    0.30 to 0.34 sec


              QRS complex:    0.08 to 0.12 sec duration        P-R segment:    0.03 to 0.06 sec

                                        1.0 mV amplitude                    S-T segment:     0.08 sec


               T wave:      0.16 to 0.27 sec duration

                                 0.2 to 0.3 mV amplitude


Cardiac Heart Sounds   {APL Exercise 19-1}




1)   Start by holding the tambour of the stethoscope against the skin immediately below and slightly to the left of the xiphoid process of the sternum (tip of the breastbone).  You should be able to distinguish two distinct sounds with each beat, a muffled "lubb" sound, followed by a sharper "dupp".


2)   Try other locations for the stethoscope, to see which provide the clearest sounds.  You may be able to hear better if you use the stethoscope with both a bell and a tambour. Be sure to rotate this stethoscope head so that you are listening though the bell rather than the tambour.


3)   Answer the following questions:


          What internal valve events generate the "lubb" and "dupp" events?


          How should the "lubb" and "dupp" sounds line up in time with the PQRST sequence of

          the EKG?


Calculations of Cardiac Output


There are two central formulae for estimating or calculating cardiac output:


       1)  CO =  HR x SV, so SV = CO/HR

                where CO = cardiac output in liters blood/minute

                          HR = heart rate in beats/minute

                          SV = average stroke volume in liters blood/beat


                remember that CO refers to the output of the venticles and that CO must be

                the same for the left and right ventricles (why?)


       2) CO = VO2 / ([O2]a - [O2]v)           

                where CO = cardiac output in liters blood/minute

                          VO2 = whole body oxygen consumption in mlO2/min

                          [O2]a = concentration of oxygen in arterial blood in mlO2/liter

                          [O2]v = concentration of oxygen in venous blood in mlO2/liter


                VO is calculated by having the subject breathe through a spirometer and measuring:

                       the volume of air breathed in

                       the concentration of O2 in inspired air

                       the concentration of O2 in expired air

                [O2]is measured from arterial blood obtained from an arterial catheter

                [O2]is measured from venous blood obtained from a venous catheter


Solve the following set of calculations, then check your results within a small group:


Your male patient has an arterial oxygen concentration of 165 milliliters O2/liter blood, a venous oxygen concentration of 105 milliliters O2/liter blood, and a whole body oxygen consumption of 360 milliliters O2/minute.


     What is your calculated estimate of his cardiac output?


     Is this a reasonable resting value for a healthy adult male?


You measure his pulse rate (heart rate) at 60 beats/min. 


     What is your calculated estimate of average stroke volume for this subject under

     these conditions?


     Does this seem reasonable, given what you know about the size of the heart?


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