Guide to Gross
Mediastinum {FAP
Fig 20--2, 20-3}
The mediastinum is
the region in the middle of the thorax, between the lungs,
bounded by the mediastinal pleurae, the diaphragm, the thoracic
vertebrae, and the sternum and costal cartilages.
- List the
structures which share the mediastinum with the heart.
Heart Models
{FAP Fig 20-3, 20-6, 20-9; APL Exercise 17-1}
The heart is a
muscular organ, about the size of your fist, which lies in the
middle region of the inferior mediastinum. It is enclosed in
and suspended by the pericardium, a tough double sac of fibrous
connective tissue.
a) On the models
and heart preparations locate the following regions of the
apex base diaphragmatic surface
- The heart lies
obliquely in the thorax, so that roughly 2/3 of it lies to the
left of the midsagittal plane. On average, the base is at the
level of the sternal articulation of the 3rd costal cartilage,
while the apex is at the level of the 5th intercostal space.
However, there is a great deal of variation between individuals.
b) On the models and
heart preps locate the following external surface structures of
the heart:
groove right & left auricles
ant. & post. interventricular
- The
atrioventricular groove traces the division between which
chambers of the heart?
- The
interventricular grooves traces the division between which
chambers of the heart?
- Of which heart
chambers are the auricles extensions?
c) Locate the
following great vessels and related structures:
ascending aorta
superior vena cava
aortic arch
inferior vena cava
brachiocephalic artery pulmonary
left common carotid artery
pulmonary arteries
left subclavian artery
pulmonary veins
ligamentum arteriosum
- For each vessel
be able to identify the region that it supplies or drains.
- Which
vessels carry oxygenated blood? Which carry deoxygenated blood?
- The
ligamentum arteriosum is a remnant of the ductus arteriosus,
which shunts blood from the left pulmonary artery to the distal
aortic arch in the fetus. What is the purpose of this shunt?
d) On the models and
heart preps locate the following internal structures of the
left atrium:
pulmonary vein openings
right atrium:
superior vena cava opening
coronary sinus opening
inferior vena cava
opening pectinate muscles
interatrial septum:
fossa ovalis
left ventricle:
trabeculae carnae cordae
tendineae aortic semilunar valve
papillary muscles mitral
(bicuspid) valve
right ventricle:
trabeculae carnae cordae
tendineae pulmonary semilunar valve
papillary muscles
tricuspid valve
interventricular septum
- Trace the flow
of blood through one complete circuit of the circulatory system.
What is the sequence of heart chambers and great heart vessels
that a blood corpuscle would encounter on this circuit?
Note that the heart is actually two pumps. The left one
receives pulmonary (lung) return and supplies the systemic
(body) circulation. The right one receives systemic return and
supplies the pulmonary circulation. Which side pumps a
higher volume of blood? Which side pumps at a higher
average pressure?
- The interatrial
septum and the interventricular septum form the walls between
the two atria and the two ventricles, respectively. A prominent
feature of the interatrial septum is the fossa ovalis, a sealed
connective tissue flap. At birth, this flap covers the
foramen ovale, which shunts blood from the inferior vena cava
through the right atrium to the left atrium in the fetus. What
is the purpose of this fetal shunt?
- Why is the wall
of the left ventricle much thicker than the that of the right
ventricle? Similarly, why are the trabeculae carnae and the
papillary muscles so much better developed in the left ventricle
than the right?
- Study the heart
models and heart preps and develop a set of criteria which will
allow you to tell the chambers apart, based solely on the
appearance of the chamber walls.
- One very common
source of confusion for students is the true anatomical
(spatial) relationship between the heart chambers. Drawings in
texts, charts, and even most models, depict the right and left
atria and ventricles as lying side by side, with the septae in
roughly horizontal and sagittal planes. In reality the heart
spirals from base to apex and is positioned obliquely in the
thorax. This places the interatrial and interventricular septae
in roughly coronal planes, and the atrioventricular septum in an
oblique plane. The left ventricle lies anterior to the right
ventricle, while the right atrium lies anterior to the left
atrium. Study the model and plasticized hearts until you are
comfortable with the spatial relationships.
- The
atrioventricular valves prevent backflow of blood from the
ventricles to the atria when the ventricles contract (systole).
They have broad flat triangular leaves(cusps) which are seated
in fibrous rings. Between which two chambers does the mitral
(bicuspid) valve lie? Between which two chambers does
the tricuspid valve lie? How do the papillary muscles and
chordae tendineae contribute to the function of the
atrioventricular valves?
- The semilunar
valves prevent backflow of blood from the aortic and pulmonary
trunks into the ventricles between contractions (intersystole or
diastole). They are named for the shape of their cusps. Study
diagrams of the cusps until you understand why the backflow of
blood causes them to close.
e) The arterial
blood supply to the heart is via the coronary arteries. These
branch from the ascending aorta immediately after its exit from
the heart. Most of the venous drainage of the cardiac
circulation is via the network of cardiac veins to the coronary
sinus. The coronary sinus empties into the right atrium near
the fossa ovalis.
- Identify the
right and left coronary arteries and the coronary sinus on the
models and heart preps. Which of the surface grooves does each
- The aortic
openings of the coronary arteries are located in small cavities
behind two of the cusps of the aortic semilunar valve. These
cavities are called the sinuses of Valsalva. A proposed
function of these sinuses is to create eddy currents which
prevent the valve cusps from blocking the coronary artery
apertures when the valves are open.
f) Study the
conduction mechanism of the heart.
- On a heart model
trace the path of electrical impulse spread, pointing out the
location of the major specialized structures - the SA node, the
AV node, the bundle of His (AV bundle).
- Locate the vagus
nerves which act to slow the heart rate and reduce stroke
g) The heart is
surrounded by the pericardium, a doubled sac. The pericardium
has an inner visceral (organ) and an outer parietal (wall)
layer. The visceral pericardium is fused to the heart muscle,
and is identical to the epicardium. The
visceral and parietal layers are separated by the pericardial
cavity, a "virtual" space which contains a thin layer of serous
fluid which provides lubrication and allows the heart to move
within the thorax.
- Note that the
pericardial cavity lies between the visceral and parietal
pericardia and not between the heart and the visceral
pericardium. It is very important that you understand
this relationship well, because analogous relationships hold for
the pleurae of the lungs and the peritoneum of the abdominal
cavity. If necessary, have the instructor or a classmate
demonstrate the relationship with a plastic bag and his/her
- Note that both
the visceral pericardium and the parietal pericardium have two
distinct histological layers - a fibrous layer of dense
irregular C.T. which provides structural integrity, and a serous
pericardium (mesothelium) of simple squamous epithelium which
produces the pericardial fluid.
Sheep Heart
Dissection {FAP Fig 20-6; APL
Exercise 17-1)
Work in small groups
to dissect the preserved sheep heart, following the final part
of Exercise 1 and the handouts. Be able to identify the
surface features, chambers, great vessels, valves, and
associated structures in the preserved heart
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