A. Testing the JAR
1) Your instructor will help
you to adjust the amplitude of the jamming signal to an
appropriate level.
2) Disconnect the entire
T-Connector assembly from the Function Generator. Now connect
the TO AQUARIUM cable to the free end of the T-connecter
assembly. From now on you will connect and disconnect the
Function Generator’s jamming signal from the aquarium, the
PowerLab Ch3 input, and the Stereo Amplifier simultaneously by
using this T-connector.
3) Pull down the FILE menu and
choose NEW. Do not save your practice data. Set the Function
Generator to produce a jamming signal ~5Hz higher than the base
EOD frequency. Record this frequency here:
Jamming Frequency Hz
4) Use the SETUP menu to set
up for 30 sweeps at 1 second intervals. Go to the Comment box
and enter a label, such as "JAR test, jam at +5Hz"
5) Click on the display window
to reactivate it
6) You will have to
watch the display closely and plug/unplug jamming signal
T-connector at the Function Generator precisely at the specified
moments. Click on the START button
to start sampling:
Sweeps 1-10 Output
T-assembly is unplugged (prejamming)
Plug in jamming T-connector
Sweeps 11-20 Output
T-assembly is plugged in (jamming)
Unplug jamming T-connector
Sweeps 21-30 Output
T-assembly is unplugged (post jamming)
7) Find the two sweep pages
which correspond to immediately before the onset of jamming
(#10?) and immediately after the offset of jamming (#21?).
Measure and compute EOD frequencies (Channel A) for these two
traces. Now measure and compute the jamming signal frequency
from its channel (Channel B) for one of the sweeps (#11-#20?)
during which the jamming signal was connected.
8) Did the fish change its EOD
in response to the jamming? Did the EOD frequency go up (toward
the jamming frequency) or down (away from the jamming
frequency)? In other words, did the fish execute an effective
9) Save this data
file to disk.
B. Quantifying the JAR
1) Choose NEW under File
to clear the display
2) Repeat the recording
sequence used above with the following Function Generator
settings (jamming frequencies):
EOD + 20 Hz
EOD + 15 Hz
EOD + 10 Hz
EOD + 5 Hz
EOD + 2 Hz
EOD - 2 Hz
EOD - 5 Hz
EOD - 10 Hz
EOD - 15 Hz
EOD - 20 Hz
3) Wait at least two
minute between trials. These can all be saved to a single data
file if you wish, e.g.:
sweeps 1-30
31-60 EOD+15Hz
61-90 EOD+10Hz
4) You can use the
Comments box to attach a text comment to the start of each trial
during your two minute between trial waiting period. Don't
measure anything now, just gather your data and analyze it
5) Save your data file(s)
to disk.
6) At a later time,
produce a plot of the JAR magnitude (postjamming EOD- prejamming
EOD) as a function of jamming frequency proximity (jamming
frequency - prejamming EOD). Graphing 101: JAR magnitude
goes on the Y axis and jamming frequency proximity goes on the X
axis (why?). Excel is an excellent way to do this. Make sure
that you determine ALL frequencies by measuring both the fish
EOD and the jamming wavelengths from the SCOPE data, rather than
just assuming that the Function Generator is accurate or that
the base EOD frequency is constant.
7) The easiest way to do
this is to set up an Excel file with the following columns:
A) target jamming proximity in Hz
B) prejamming EOD wavelength in msec (measured
from trace ~#10, channel A)
C) postjamming EOD wavelength in msec (measured
from trace ~#21, channel A)
D) jamming wavelength in msec (measured from
trace #15, channel B)
E) prejamming EOD frequency in Hz (= 1000/B)
F) postjamming EOD frequency in Hz (= 1000/C)
G) jamming frequency in Hz (= 1000/D)
H) jamming proximity in Hz (= G-E)
I) JAR magnitude in Hz (= F-E)
8) Now plot columns H and
I against each other, using the Graphing wizard and choosing
C. Time Course of Recovery
From JAR
If you have time, complete the following:
1) Clear the display by
choosing New under the File menu.
2) Set the Jamming signal to
base ~EOD + 5Hz
3) Set up the recording for 50
sweeps at 1 second intervals
4) Perform the following:
sweeps 1-10 TO
AQUARIUM T-connector unplugged (prejamming)
sweeps 11-20 TO
AQUARIUM T-connector plugged in (jamming)
sweeps 21-50 TO
AQUARIUM T-connector unplugged (postjamming)
5) Save your data file to
6) At some later
date produce a plot of deltaEOD
frequency (prejamming EOD- postjamming EOD) as a function of
postjamming time (1-30 seconds).
D. Finishing up
1) Disconnect the TO AQUARIUM
2) Turn off the Function
Generator. Turn off all amplifiers. Quit JARMeister.
3) Release the fish from the
recording chamber.
4) Restore the power water