Prepared slides, mounted specimens, models, and preserved specimens
representative invertebrates
Guides to anatomy and dissection of each organism
Compound and dissecting microscopes; magnifiers
Dissecting trays and instruments
For most of the major metazoan invertebrate phyla a single
representative species is available for closer anatomical
examination and/or dissection.
1. For mounted (slide or plastomount) or model specimens,
work through the guide below. Try to identify all of
the external and internal structures in bold.
For each structure, know the basic function and the organ
system to which it belongs.
2. For preserved specimens, conduct a thorough examination
of the external structures. Then follow the dissection
guide below to expose and identify internal structures.
Be sure to complete each numbered step in sequence.
Again, try to identify all of the structures in bold.
For each structure, know the basic function and the organ
system to which it belongs.
3. In each sample animal try to identify the major
structures/specializations associated with each of the
following organ systems:
Note that in some of these organisms some of these systems
simply do not exist - their functions are mediated entirely
by diffusional exchange.
Study Suggestions
1. Make detailed sketches and notes on specimens. This will
help you to look at the specimens more closely, as well as
to help you study later.
2. Plan to come in and work with the specimens once or twice
more before the lab test. Test yourself by attempting to
identify the specimens as accurately as possible by their
common names, as well as to classify them without first
looking at their labels.
3. The words in bold print in the extended guide below are
words you should know and/or structures you should be able
to identify or describe.
4. There are many useful on-line video guides for dissection and
structure identification for most of these animals.
JELLYFISH (Aurelia - the moon jelly)
[Ph. Cnidaria, Cl. Medusozoa:Scyphozoa]
Place a plastomount of the moon jelly Aurelia under a
dissecting microscope. Position it oral side up (so that the
oral arms appear on top of the gonads). Find the mouth
opening at the center of the umbrella. The umbrella
is surrounded by outer (aboral) exumbrella and inner (oral)
subumbrella cell layers, separated by the mesoglia “jelly”.
The mouth is surrounded by four long oral feeding arms,
each lined with short oral tentacles. Deep to the
mouth the gastrovascular cavity (stomach) connects to
a branching network of hollow radial canals which
carry food particles out to ring canal near the outer
rim of the umbrella. Find the four horseshoe-shaped
gonads surrounding the mouth. Inspect the rim of the
umbrella. Find the ring of marginal tentacles. Zoom
in on a few of these tentacles to see that each has a
continuous row of stinging cnidocyte cells. Finally,
look carefully at the evenly spaced gaps in the ring of
marginal tentacles. In each gap is a small, circular
sensory cell. These may be photosensors, or statocycts,
which help orient the jellyfish in the water.
PLANARIA (Dugesia)
[Ph. Platyhelminthes, Cl. Turbellaria]
Mount a slide of planaria on a compound microscope. One of
the two mounted planaria is uniformly stained and the other
has the intestine highlighted. Each organ system in
the planaria is laterally paired, is highly branched, and
extends the length of the animal. As the diagrams show,
these include the nerve cords extending posteriorly
from the brain, protonephridia (excretory system),
yolk glands and oviducts (female reproductive
systems) extending posteriorly from the ovaries, and the
multiple testes (male reprouctive system) connected
by sperm ducts.
Locate the light-sensitive eye-spots at the rostral
end. The cephalic ganglion (“brain”) lies just deep
to these. Locate the mouth, opening into the muscular
pharynx near the midpoint of the body. Trace the
blind-ended intestine (gut) through its two lateral
caudal branches and it single midline rostral branch. Just
caudal to the mouth you should be able to distinguish the
seminal receptacle or copulatory sac and the penis.
ROUNDWORM (Ascaris lumbricoides)
[Ph. Nematoda]
Select an Ascaris, place
in in a small dissecting tray, gently stretch it out, and
carefully pin it at both ends. Determine whether your worm
is a male (shorter, with a prominent caudal hook) or
a female (longer, with no caudal hook). Using a sharp
scalpel, carefully create a shallow slit the length of the
worm. Split open the worm and locate the prominent
intestine running the length of the animal, from the
mouth and esophagus to the anus (female)
or cloaca (male).
Deflect the intestine to one side. Locate the paired
excretory tubes extending caudally from the small
excretory pore near the mouth. In the female, find the
genital pore, short vagina, and paired uterus
horns with the oviducts and ovaries coiled
around them. In the male find the single testis,
vas deferens, and seminal vesicle which empties
into the cloaca, a common caudal reproductive and
digestive (anal) opening.
[Ph. Mollusca, Cl. Bivalvia]
On the model of the clam “on a
half shell” start by locating the two large adductor
muscles which close the shells and the prominent
muscular foot. Trace the digestive system from the
mouth, past the stomach with its large
digestive gland, through the torsioned (looped) gut,
to the anus. Find the heart surrounding the
gut near the anus. Locate the reproductive gonad near
the center of the clam. Note that the mantle cavity
surrounds the entire visceral mass and separates it from the
secreted shell. Water flows from the incurrent siphon
to the excurrent siphon and through the mantle cavity,
passing over the prominent gills. The gills are
involved in both respiratory gas exchange and filtering
small suspended foot particles from the surrounding water.
EARTHWORM (Lumbricus terrestris)
[Ph. Annelida, Cl. Errantia:Oligochaeta]
Notice the prominent segmental
organization of this animal. Locate the anterior or rostral end with its
small mouth and the posterior or caudal end, bearing the rump
or pygidium. Identify the dorsal and ventral surfaces. The
dorsal surface will be darker and smoother. The ventral surface
will be lighter and eight small bumps or setae on each segment.
The setae can be felt by gently drawing the earthworm between
your thumb and forefinger. The clitellum is a thickened sheath
covering segments 32-37.
In a dissecting pan, place the worm
with the darker dorsal surface uppermost and the setae downward.
Stretch the animal to its natural full length, then pin it down
at the extreme anterior and posterior ends. Starting at a point
posterior to the clitellum and
proceeding anteriorly, gently cut through the body wall only,
along the mid–dorsal line. Keep your scissors flat and the cut
shallow, so that you do not cut internal organs. Carefully separate the two sides and
with a scalpel cut through the septa and membranes, which
separate each segment internally. Pin out the body wall as
you go. Finally extend your cut posteriorly through the posterior segments
to the anus, again pinning out the body wall as you go.
The earthworm is an example of an
animal with a complete digestive tract. Locate the
mouth opening at the anterior end of the
body. Locate the muscular pharynx, which leads to the esophagus.
Find the bulbous soft crop and muscular gizzard. The crop stores food,
sending it slowly to the thick, muscular gizzard where grinding
occurs with the aid of sand particles. From here food passes to
the long intestine, which runs posteriorly to the anus. Compare
the structures visible on your dissected worm with the diagrams
and the plastic model of the worm.
Stop for a moment and examine the
prepared slide of the cross section of the earthworm under a
compound microscope. Identify the body wall, the coelom and the
intestinal wall. Note the infolding of the
intestinal wall, the typhlosole, which increases
absorptive surface area.
Annelids have relatively simple closed circulatory systems. Note the
five pairs of aortic loops or arches
("hearts") located between the seventh and eleventh somites
(body segments). These aortic loops encircle the digestive tract
and connect the dorsal vessel with the ventral vessel. From these aortic loops blood
is pumped posteriorly via the ventral vessel. From the ventral
vessel blood flows out into smaller segmental vessels which
branch throughout the tissues. The dorsal vessel collects blood
and forces it anteriorly to the aortic loops for recirculation.
Annelids exchange
respiratory gases through their external cuticles, or
skins, so there are no unique internal respiratory structutres.
The excretory structures
in the earthworm are paired nephridia in each segment.
Try to locate these in your dissected worm under a dissecting
microscope, using the earthworm model as a guide.
will be easier to locate in the segments posterior to the crop
and gizzard. Locate
the nephridia in the earthworm cross-section slide - they are
found in a ventrolateral position in each segment.
Earthworms are hermaphroditic,
having both complete male and female reproductive systems.
The ovaries are minute
structures attached to the anterior septum (body partition) of
segment 13. When the eggs are mature they rupture from the ovary
and are released into the body cavity (coelom).
The eggs pass to the funnel shaped openings of the oviduct
which transfers them to the egg sac in the 14th segment.
Eggs leave the oviduct through minute oviduct openings on
the ventral side of the 14th segment.
Two pairs of minute testes are located in the 10th and 11th
segments. Immature sperm are liberated from the testes into
the large surrounding chamber called the seminal reservoir.
It is in this reservoir and in the three pairs of seminal
vesicles that the male gametes mature into sperm. When two
earthworms come together during copulation, the sperm are
passed by means of ciliated funnels into the long sperm
ducts which pass posteriorly to the external sperm duct
openings on the ventral side of segment 15. Therefore,
copulation in earthworms represents mutual sperm exchange
between two hermaphroditic organisms.
The remaining reproductive structures are the
receptacles which are two pairs of blind sacs found in
segments 9 and 10. These seminal receptacles receive the
sperm of the other worm during copulation, so they are part
of the female reproductive system. The sperm of the
other worm are stored in the seminal receptacles until the
eggs are ready for release.
Earthworms have a cephalized nervous system with a
circumesophageal brain and a solid ventral nerve cord. In
your dissected worm the brain (superesophageal
ganglion)may be found lying atop (dorsal to) the esophagus at
the extreme rostral end of the animal. Gently pull the
intestine to one side caudal to the clitellum and see if you can
find the ventral nerve cord with its enlarged segmental
CRAYFISH (Procambarus clarkii)
[Ph. Arthropoda, SuperCl. Crustacea, Cl. Decapoda]
Obtain a crayfish and place it dorsal side up in a
dissecting pan. Identify the two body tagmata, the rostral
cephalothorax and the caudal abdomen. The
anterior end of the crayfish is the pointed rostrum
and the posterior end is the tailfan, with its
central telson and lateral uropods. Just
behind the rostrum identify the long antennae and the
shorter antennules, as well as the eyestalks.
Flip the crayfish over, so that it is ventral side up. At
the rostral end, insert a blunt probe into the mouth,
separating the heavy mandibles, two pairs of jointed
maxillae, and three pairs of longer jointed
maxillipeds. At the base of each antenna is the tiny
nephidiopore opening which is the exit of the green
gland ducts of the excretory (urinary) system. The crayfish
has five pairs of “walking legs”, the first pair of
which are the enlarged claws or chilapeds. Each
abdominal segment has an additional pair of modified legs
called swimmerettes. In the male crayfish the first
pair are modified into more robust gonapodia for
transferring sperm. Is your crayfish a male or female?
Flip the crayfish back over so that it is dorsal side up.
Using a pair of scissors split the dorsal carapace
down the midline, starting from the telson and continuing
forward to just behind the rostrum. Keep the lower blade of
the scissors parallel to the carapace and try to cut just
through the carapace. Gently split the carapace away from
the muscle of the abdomen. Entirely remove the carapace from
each side of the cephalothorax, again being careful not to
tear the underlying soft tissues and muscles.
In the cephalothrax locate the feathery lateral gills,
each attached to the base of a walking leg. Pull the gills
laterally to reveal the more medial cream-colored gonads
of the reproductive system. These will be testes
in the male and ovaries in the female. Located
on the dorsal midline between the gonads is the tiny
box-shaded heart. Crayfish have an open circulatory
system, so the heart will not be attached to any obvious
blood vessels. Rostral to the heart is the large, sack-like
stomach, with cream-colored gastric glands on
either side. Open the stomach to reveal the sets of
internal teeth. Carefully pull on the stomach to
completely remove it. Under the stomach you should find
thin, white, paired neural connectives leading
forward around the esophagus to the tiny, lobed
brain. Under (ventral to) and slightly lateral to these
connectives you should find the large green glands,
the excretory glands or “kidneys” of the crayfish.
Return to the abdomen and locate the intestine
running dorsal to the abdominal muscles. Trace the intestine
to its termination at the anus, at the base of the
telson. Finally, carefully strip the abdominal muscle mass
away from the ventral cuticle of the abdomen.
Carefully examine the ventral surface of this muscle mass
and the exposed inner surface of the ventral cuticle.
Attached to one of these you should find the thin, white
ventral nerve cord with enlarged segmental ganglia.
[Ph. Echinodermata, Cl. Asteroidea]
Place a starfish in a
dissection pan. On the oral (lower) surface
locate the central mouth opening into the central
stomach, the ambulacral canals running down the
center of each of the five arms (rays), and the rows
of tiny tube feet to either side. The stomach can be
everted out through the mouth to digest prey animals that
the starfish has captured. On the aboral (upper)
surface identify the madreporite, off- center
between the bases of two of the arms. The madreporite is the
external opening of the water vascular system which
the starfish uses to move. At the end of each arm locate a
light-sensitive ocellus.
To dissect the starfish, start by flipping it over so that
the oral surface is down. Choose an arm that is roughly
opposite the madreporite. Using a pair of scissors clip off
the end of the arm. Insert the tip of the scissors into the
end of the arm and carefully cut through the cuticle down
one side of the arm, separating the aboral and oral
surfaces. When you reach the central hub, continue the cut
around the circumference of the hub, creating a round flap
from the aboral surface. Be sure to cut medial to the
madreporite, so that it remains attached to the starfish and
not to the flap. When you reach the dissected arm again, cut
down the other side to the tip.
Carefully lift and detach the aboral cuticle from the
central hub and the dissected arm. Carefully remove the
soft, membranous stomach from the central hub, exposing the
short stone canal leading from the madreporite to the
circular ring canal of the water vascular system. In
the dissected arm, carefully remove the sack-like gastric
gland, which extends out into the arm under the aboral
cuticle. This should reveal the radial canal running
down the axis of the arm, with the attached ampullae
(bulbs) of the tube feet on either side. To either side of
the radial canal a lobe of the gonads also extends
into each arm.
SEA LANCELET (Branchiostoma/Amphioxus)
[Ph. Chordata, SubPh. Cephalochordata]
Place a plastomount of the lancelet Amphioxus (Brachiostoma)
under a dissecting microscope. Start by distinguishing the
rostral and caudal ends and the dorsal and ventral surfaces.
At the rostral end locate the mouth with its
buccal cirri (short muscular tentacles). The
branchial gill basket with its parallel gill slits
surrounds the pharynx and functions both in
respiratory exchange and in filter-feeding. Posterior to the
pharynx the simple gut extends to the ventral anus.
The gonads lie ventral to the gut. The cross-hatched
structure running the length of the animal is the
notochord. Dorsal to the notochord runs the hollow
nerve cord. Finally, note that the herringbone pattern
of the segmental muscles extends to the post-anal