Representative live, preserved, skeletal, and/or fossil
for most taxonomic groups.
Models for some taxonomic groups
Poster guides to the diversity within some groups.
Specimens of each
vertebrate class are on display. These specimens include skeletal
remains, preserved animals, live animals, and some behavioral
1. Work
through these displays.
a. A
dichotomous key which outlines the major distinguishing features
of each vertebrate class is provided below.
Following the key is additional information about each class, as
well as a guide to lower taxa (subclasses, infraclasses,
superorders, orders) within each class. On the sample specimens,
identify and examine all of the external structures written in
bold print in this guide.
Additional information will be on display with the specimens.
d. Your
textbook has additional information on these vertebrate classes.
The Biology Department has several additional vertebrate biology
2. Be
able to describe the distinguishing features of each class of
vertebrates. Within each class, be able to recognize the major
3. Be
able to use the distinguishing features to reliably classify these
sample vertebrates. Pay particular attention to animals from
different classes which look superficially similar. For example,
think about how could you reliably distinguish a salamander
(Amphibia) from a lizard (Reptilia), a shark (Chondrichtyes) from
a sturgeon (Osteichthyes), or a lamprey (Cephalaspidomorphi) from
an eel (Osteichtyes) or snake (Reptilia).
1. Make
detailed sketches and notes on specimens. This will help you to
look at the specimens more closely, as well as to help you study
2. Plan
to come view the specimens once or twice more before the lab test.
Test yourself by attempting to identify the specimens as
accurately as possible by their common names, as well as to
classify them without first looking at their
3. The
words in bold print in the extended guide below are words you
should know and/or structures you should be able to identify or
A Dichotomous Key to the
Vertebrate Classes
Note: This key is based, in some
cases, on secondarily derived characteristics of adult
animals. This key roughly follows actual phylogenetic
relationships. Notice that this produces an "unbalanced" key
with lots of exceptions (e.g. snakes are reptilian tetrapods
but do not have four legs) and omissions (e.g. non-avian
1. Organisms are without jaws MYXINI,
[also: lack paired appendages (fins)]
Organisms have jaws
2. Organisms
have fins
3. Organisms have cartilaginous skeletons CHONDRICHTHYES
[Also: most have no operculum covering gills slits; have 5-7
gills with
separate openings; have non-overlapping, placoid (bony)
scales with
projecting points; have subterminal mouth; tail is either
or whip-like; have no swim bladder but use oil instead for
3. Organisms have partially bony skeletons OSTEICHTHYES
[Also: have an operculum over gill slits; have thin,
overlapping dermal
scales; most use swim bladder for flotation]
2. Organisms are
tetrapods ('four-footed') as adults or
3. Organisms have moist skin AMPHIBIA
[Also: terrestrial but remain tied to aquatic
habitats; usually have
external fertilization; eggs have jelly-like membrane
development includes metamorphosis from aquatic larval form
to lung breathing adult (usually); are ectothermic
3. Organisms have dry skin
4. Organisms are ectothermic or heterothermic REPTILIA
[Also: have
scales; have amniotic egg with leathery
have internal fertilization; have homodont dentition or
are adontoid]
4. Organisms are endothermic or
[Also have well-developed brains with enlarged forebrains;
have an erect stance; have extended care of dependent young]
5. Organisms have feathers
AVES [Week
[Also: have front limbs modified for flight
(usually); have scales
on feet; have an amniotic egg with calcareous shell;
beak and are
devoid of teeth]
5. Organisms have fur (hair) MAMMALIA [Week
[Also: have mammary glands; have heterodont
have prehepatic diaphragms; have well-developed
forebrains] |
Members of
superclass Agnatha are primitive, jawless fish. Their
endoskeletons are composed almost exclusively of cartilage and
fibrous tissue, with virtually no bone. They have no true lateral
appendages. Extinct groups of agnathans were ancestral to all
modern vertebrates. Modern agnathans include the hagfishes (class
Myxini) and lampreys (class Cephalaspidomorphi). Both hagfishes
and lampreys are eel-like in form and have a single dorsal
Hagfishes are
scavengers; they attach to the flesh of dead fish with their
mouths and use their rough tongues to scrape away tissue. They
retain a pattent notochord into adulthood, have no cranium, and
have very little cartilage.
Observe the
preserved hagfish on display. Find the single dorsal
nostril and the lateral gill slits. Note the
multiple sensory tentacles surrounding the jawless
Watch the videos of
two unusual and novel hagfish behaviors. The first behavior
is "sliming". When irritated, hagfish secrete a small amount
of a proteoglycan from specialized slime glands. This reacts
instantly with sea water to produce a simply astounding amount of
thick slime; an effective deterrent to most would-be predators
which gives then the name "slime-hag". The second behavior
is "knotting". In this behavior the hagfish actually ties
its entire body into a simple knot, then pulls the head through
the center. This is an effective way to gain the leverage
necessary to pull chunks of flesh from its dead meals.
Most lampreys are
parasites which attach with their circular mouths to living fish,
rasp away enough tissue to maintain a blood flow, and then ingest
the blood. Unlike the hagfish the lampreys have a partial
cartilaginous cranium enclosing the brain.
Observe the
preserved, sectioned lampreys, as well as the "plastomount"
preparations. Identify the round "cyclostome" mouth
and tongue lined with file-like teeth.
Identify the small eyes and the multiple lateral gill
slits. Find the anus and note the characteristic
chordate post-anal tail. In the sagittally-sectioned
lampreys identify the notochord and the dorsal hollow
nerve cord running the length of the body. At the
rostral end of the nerve cord find the tiny brain.
Just deep to the single nostril and rostral to the brain find the
blind-ended olfactory sac.
Watch the video of
lampreys clinging to rock in fast-moving streams. The
round mouth makes an excellent suction cup and accounts for
their alternative class name of Petromyzontia - literally "the
rock clingers".
GNATHOSTOMA (jawed vetebrates)
Members of
superclass Gnathostoma have three common derived characters which
distinguish them from the Gnathostomes. The first is the
presence of upper and lower jaws derived from the anterior gill
arches. The second is the presence of paired pectoral (anterior)
and pelvic (posterior) appendages.
(cartilaginous fishes)
are the most primitive living form of gnathostomes. They are
exclusively marine fish. Their endoskeletons are composed
entirely of cartilage. They have placoid scales, composed of a
bony dermal "teeth" which project through the epidermis, giving
the skin its characteristic "sandpaper" feel. They are negatively
buoyant and must actively swim to stay off the bottom.
Chondrichthyans are generally divided into two subclasses:
Subclass Elasmobranchii (sharks, rays, skates, and
sawfishes) and Subclass Holocephali (chimeras and
ratfishes). Some species of sharks have remained essentially
unchanged since the Jurassic Period, more than 65 million years
Elasmobranchii (literally "plate gills")
The elasmobranchs
have multiple exposed gill slits. The most anterior gill slit on
each side is reduced into a small, dorsally located spiracle.
Sharks are free-swimming, have exposed lateral gill slits and a
heterocercal tail (dorsal lobe is larger than ventral lobe).
Buoyancy is provided by the heterocercal tail, hydroplaning action
of the flat pectoral (anterior) fins, and oil produced by the
liver. Skates, rays, sawfish, and some sharks are compressed dorsoventrally, have ventrally located gill slits, and have pectoral
fins flattened into broad, wing-like structures. They are
predominantly bottom-feeders.
On the shark
skeleton find the horizontally mounted pectoral and pelvic fins as
well as the heterocercal tail. On the skull locate the
chondrocranium surrounding the brain, the separate upper and lower
jaws, and the multiple branchial gill arches which support the
gill plates.
Look closely at the
shark jaws on display . Notice that both the upper and lower jaws
are only loosely attached to the skull. This allows sharks to
extend both jaws during feeding to tear flesh from their prey.
Notice also the multiple rows of surface-mounted teeth. As
individual teeth are lost during the feeding process, new teeth
move forward to replace them. The evolutionary longevity of
the sharks and their habit of losing teeth accounts for the large
numbers of fossil shark teeth.
Compare the preserved
shark, skate, and ray specimens. When handing these watch
out for the sharp dorsal spines! On each fish find the
nostrils leading into blind-ended olfactory sacs,
the prominent eyes, the dorsal spiracle (actually
the most rostral gill opening), and the multiple exposed gill
slits. Feel the placoid scales by rubbing the
skin in several directions. How are these scales
oriented? Pressing lightly on the skin of the rostrum will
produce a light waxy discharge from the ampullae of Lorenzini,
electrosensory organs of the skin. On the ventral surface of
each animal find the mouth and the cloaca which
serves as a common reproductive, digestive, and urinary
Holocephali (literally "complete
The holocephalans
look a bit as if they were constructed from mismatched parts of
other animals. This is why the group is alternatively called
the "chimerae" and individual members are called either "ratfish"
or "rabbitfish".
Examine the preserved
ratfish and the ratfish skull. Find the three pairs of
prominent plate-like teeth which give this fish its
name. Note that its gill slits are covered with an single
plate-like operculum on each side. Notice that the
cranium is completely enclosed with cartilage (hence the group
name "Holocephali"). How does this compare to the shark
remain the most speciose class of vertebrates; there are more
species of these bony fish than of all of other vertebrate classes
combined. They inhabit both marine and fresh-water
environments. In osteichthyans the endoskeleton is composed partly
to primarily of bone. They are mostly free-swimming, with
buoyancy provided by a gas-filled swim-bladder (see the fish
skeleton on display), derived as dorsal outpocketing of the
digestive system. The gills are covered with a bony plate, called
an operculum, which increases the efficiency of ventilation
(movement of water across the gills). Most bony fish are
suction-feeders, they eat by rapidly expanding the pharynx to suck
water, food items, and/or prey into the mouth. The skin is
generally covered by overlapping dermal scales which do not
project through the epidermis.
The two main groups
of extant bony fish are the Subclass Actinopterygii
(ray-finned fish) and the much smaller Subclass
Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fish).
Subclass Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Actinopterygians may be divided into three superorders. Order
Chondrostei (sturgeons, paddlefish, bichirs) have skeletons
composed mostly of cartilage. Living species are exclusively
fresh-water. They have heterocercal (uneven lobes) or holocercal
(single lobe) tails. Order Holostei (gars, and bowfins),
have largely bony skeletons, but the cranium is cartilaginous.
They are fresh-water fish with holocercal tails. Order
Teleostei (all other ray-finned fish) is by far the most
speciose and, in many ways, the most modern group. Teleost fish
skeletons are composed almost exclusively of bone, and they
generally have homocercal (same size lobes) tails.
Examine the skeletons
and preserved specimens of ray-finned fish. Note the
prominent operculm, which increases the efficiency of
respiration in non-mowing fish. Note the swim-bladder
preserved with the carp skeleton.
Subclass Sarcopterygii
(lobe-finned fishes)
Sarcopterygians are "lobe-finned" fish, with a characteristic
fleshy lobe at the base of each lateral fin. They tend to be
bottom-dwelling or shallow water fish, in which the fins are
used to maneuver along the substrate. There are two orders of
living sarcopterygians. Order Actinista/Crossopterygii is currently represented by only a single
marine species, the coelocanth, a so-called "living fossil".
Order Dipnoi includes the fresh-water lungfishes and the
ancestors of all of the tetrapod vertebrates.
Lungfishes have some "primitive" features, including
a prominent
notochord and a mostly cartilaginous skeleton. They also have
some "modern" features similar to amphibians, such as paired
atria in the heart, and paired ventral lungs, which allow them
to breath air.
Examine the models of
the coelocanth and lungfish. How are the fleshy appendages
a preadaptation to moving on land?
CLASS AMPHIBIA (amphibians)
Amphibians (literally "dual life") are a group of terrestrial
and aquatic (fresh-water) vertebrates. Modern amphibians all
have moist, smooth, scale-less skins, with numerous
mucous and poison glands. Terrestrial amphibians generally must
return to
the water to lay eggs. Terrestrial
amphibians have paired lungs. Respiration in aquatic amphibians
and larval forms is via either external gills or the
skin (cutaneous respiration). Amphibians have a
three-chambered heart with two
atria and a single ventricle. Modern amphibians have kinetic
skulls, meaning that there are multiple jaw hinges. Feeding is
generally by suction in aquatic forms and by "lingual feeding"
(capturing prey with an extended tongue) for terrestrial forms.
Amphibians are "cold-blooded" ectotherms whose body temperature
is largely determined by the surrounding environmental
Amphibians are generally divided into three orders - Order
Urodella/Caudata (salamanders), Order Anura/Salientia
(frogs and toads), and Order Apoda/Gymnophiona
Urodela/Caudata (salamanders)
Salamanders have four legs (usually) and a
prominent tail. The
legs do not support the trunk off the ground. Salamanders move
by undulating the body, with the legs serving merely as
"pivot-points". Salamanders all have aquatic larval forms. Some
species remain aquatic throughout their lives, some species have
a terrestrial "eft" stage then return to the water as adults,
and some species metamorphose directly into fully terrestrial
adults. Salamanders have internal fertilization; sperm are
passed from male to female in a spermatophore sack.
Examine the salmander
models and preserved specimens and the very generalized body
structure relative to the frogs and toads.
Order Anura/Salientia (forgs and toads)
Anuran eggs and sperm are shed into the water,
where external fertilization takes place. These eggs hatch into
tadpole larvae. Tadpoles grow and eventually metamorphose into
tail-less adults. Additional diagnostic features of frogs and
toads are the relatively long hind legs used for jumping and/or
swimming, and a prominent external eardrum or tympanum
associated with each ear.
Examine the skeletons
and preserved specimens of the frog and toads. Note the
highly modified pelvic structure, including the enlarged and
fused pelvic girdle bones and the central urostyle.
Note the tadpole larvae and the metamorphosis process that leads
to adulthood.
Order Apoda/Gymnophiona (caecilians)
Caecilians have no legs and no pelvic or
pectoral girdles. They are burrowing animals of tropical
Reptiles are a diverse group
of vertebrates. Primitive reptiles descended from primitive
scaled amphibians, and in turn, gave rise to modern reptiles,
birds, and mammals, as well as several extinct groups. Reptiles
have a dry skin, covered with cornified epidermal scales which prevent
desiccation. Reptiles and most of their descendants have
amniotic eggs, with a delicate sac-like membrane which surrounds
the embryo and maintains a fluid environment within the egg.
Reptile eggs are also covered with a leathery egg shell which
prevents desiccation (see display egg). This, and internal
fertilization, frees many modern reptiles from a dependence on
water. The reptilian heart has a ventricle which is partially or
completely partitioned into two separate chambers for pulmonary
vs. systemic circulation. Reptiles, like all of the groups
discussed so far, are heterotherms, meaning that their body
temperature fluctuates with the environmental temperature.
However, most reptiles generate at least some internal heat by
metabolic processes, making them at least partially endothermic.
Classical taxonomy divides modern reptiles into three major
orders: Order Chelonia/Testudinata (turtles),
Order Squamata (lizards and snakes), and Order Crocodilia
(alligators, crocodyles, caimans.
Order Chelonia/Testudinata
(turtles and tortoises)
Turtles and tortoises are characterized by their shell,
which consists of a dorsal carapace and a ventral plastron. Each
is constructed of elaborated dermal plates. The ribs and
vertebrae are fused to the shell, and the pelvic and pectoral
girdles are relocated inside the rib cage. Turtles have no
teeth; feeding is by a combination of biting beak-like jaws, and
suction-feeding in aquatic forms. Turtle cardiovascular anatomy
is clearly adapted for diving.
less lizards.
Examine the turtle
skeletons on display. Locate the fused vertebrae inside
the dorsal carapace of the shell. Of what common skeletal
elements is the bulk of the shell formed? Note the
position of both the pelvic and pectoral "girdles" inside the
shell? How do you suppose that this animal breathes, given
that the ribs are not flexible?
Order Squamata (lizards and snakes)
The squamates are traditionally
divided into the lizards (Suborder Lacertilia), snakes (Suborder Serpentes), and
amphibeans (Suborder Amphisbea). However,
recent molecular evidence suggests that the snakes and venemous
lizards for their own clade (Toxicofera) and that the legless
amphibeans evolved within one of the remaining lizard groups.
Squamates have kinetic skulls and feed by
grasping the prey and swallowing it whole. Most lizards are quadrupeds, but look closely
at the display samples of the legless lizards or "glass-snakes".
They may be distinguished from both salamanders and snakes by
the presence of external ear openings and eyelids. Lizards also
tend to hold the trunk slightly off of the ground, allowing
somewhat more rapid and efficient terrestrial locomotion than in
salamanders. Snakes are a group of legless descendants of
lizards and move by undulating the body against the substrate.
Most snakes are terrestrial, but some sea snakes are marine and
return to the land only to breed. Snakes provide an extreme
example of a kinetic skull with multiple jaw bones and hinges. A
snake can generally swallow whole a prey which is larger than
the apparent size of the snake's head. Most snakes are oviparous
(lay eggs), but a few species are ovoviviparous (eggs hatch in
the oviducts and live young are born). Amphisbeans are another
group of essentially legless lizards.
Examine the skeletons
and preserved specimens of lizards and snakes. Compare the
lizard and salamander skeletons. What skeletal structures
are more developed in the lizards? How do these relate to
the more erect stance/posture of most lizards? How
can you reliably distinguish between snakes and legless lizards,
based on external anatomy?
Order Crocodilia includes crocodiles, caimans,
alligators, and gavials. Crocodilians are distinguished from
other reptiles by the elongated snout, the akinetic skull with a
single pair of sturdy jaw hinges, and by the two postorbital
temporal fenestrae (diapsid = two skull openings behind the eye
socket). Crocodilians also have a true four-chambered heart,
however there are vascular shunts between the systemic and
pulmonary circulations. Crocodilians are also partially
homeothermic and have extended care of their young.
Examine the
crocodilian skeleton and skulls on display and compare them to
those of the squamate lizards? What features of the
crocodilian skull allow for a significantly stronger bite?
How does crocodilian feeding differ from that of the lizards?
Locate the bony
gastralia under the ventral abdomen. What is the
function of this unusual structure?
CLASSES AVES (birds) and MAMMALIA (mammals)
You will explore the diversity of
the birds and mammals in next week's lab.