Guide to
Reflexes and
Neurological Tests
Patellar and Achilles Reflexes
Seat the subject on the edge of the lab table, with both legs
hanging free.
Using the
rubber hammer, lightly tap each leg just below the
kneecap. If you do this correctly, the tapped leg should jerk
3) Now passively
dorsiflex the subject's foot, then tap lightly on the Achilles
tendon (tendocalcaneous). The ankle should plantar flex in
Q1: Can you describe the neural mechanism
underlying these reflexes and why they are essential for standing
postural balance?
Biceps and Triceps Reflexes
Seat the subject in a chair. Have her hold both arms out
in front of her with her palms up and her elbows lightly bent.
each arm just above the elbow. Using the
rubber hammer, lightly tap on each distal biceps tendon, just
above the inside of the elbow.
3) Now have the subject
turn each arm over (pronating) and again support the arm just
above the elbow. Tap lightly on each distal triceps tendon
just above the olecranon.
Q2: Did the responses match your
C. Babinski
and Hoffman Signs
seat the subject on the edge of the lab table, with both legs
hanging free.
Using your
thumbnail, and applying light pressure, stroke the lateral (little toe)
side of the sole of her foot from toe to heel or from heel to
3) Hold the subject's
middle finger between your thumb and index finger with your
thumbnail against her fingernail. Ask her to relax her
hand. Slide your thumb down until your thumb nail "clicks"
off the end of her fingernail.
Q3: Did her toes plantar flex
(towards the sole) or fan out and dorsiflex (towards the top of
the foot)? Was there a reflexive twitch of her fingers
when your thumbnail clicked off of her fingernail? What
would toe dorsiflexion or a finger contraction indicate?
Direct and Consensual Photopupillary Reflexes
Seat the subject in a darkened (but not completely dark!) room
and sit opposite her where you can clearly see her pupils.
Allow at least 2 minutes for her eyes to adapt to the dark and
for her pupils to dilate. Hold the penlight about 6 inches from
the bridge of her nose and flash the light for about 1/2
Q4: Did both pupils constrict? Did they
constrict evenly?
Now have the subject hold a piece of dark construction paper up
as a shield between her two eyes. The subject should continue
to look straight ahead. Hold the penlight off to the subject's
right side and flash it again, so that only her right eye is
Q5: Did both pupils constrict? Did they
constrict evenly? What can you conclude about the relative
magnitudes of the direct (illuminated right eye) and consensual
(non-illuminated left eye) pupillary reflexes?
E. Vestibulo-oculomotor Reflex
participate in this experiment as a subject if you get motion
Have the subject sit in the swivel chair, tilt her head slightly
forward (why?), grasp the bottom of the chair, close her eyes,
and hang on. Spin the chair clockwise through at least ten full
Stop the
chair and have the subject immediately open her eyes, hold her
head up, and fixate (look directly at) a point behind your (the
experimenter's) shoulder. Closely observe the motion of her
eyes. Her eyes should go through a series of jerky tandem
motions as they both drift slowly in one direction and then
saccade rapidly back in the opposite direction.
Q6: Do the drifts or saccades match the
direction of the original spin? What is the subject's visual
perception, i.e. what direction does the world seem to be moving
to the subject?
Q7: Why does this process promote
disorientation, vertigo, and nausea?
Q8: Can you explain both the neural mechanics
and the practical functional significance of
this reflex?
If you are having trouble understanding what is going on inside
of the semicircular canals, try the following experiment. Spin
a raw egg on the table. Stop the egg with your hand, then
immediately let go. The egg should "magically" start spinning
again, due to the rotational inertia of the fluid contents.
F. Just for Fun
Sit comfortably in a chair with both feet on the ground.
2) Raise
your right foot a few inches off of the floor, then
rotate it in clockwise circles.
3) While
continuing to rotate your foot, trace the number 6 in the air
with your right hand.
Q9: What happened to the motion of your
foot as soon as you started moving your hand?
equipment needed at this station includes a PowerLab/PC station,
a Dual BioAmp, 1 ElectroCap, and 2 shielded reference leads with
ear clips.
Resting EEG
The following transducers should be connected to the PowerLab
box (if they aren't, then connect them):
CH1 - BioAmp A (with cable and 3 EEG leads)
CH2 - BioAmp B (with cable and 3 EEG leads)
Hookup the subject to the PowerLab, using the following guide
(color codes refer to the colored markings on the gray BioAmp
Prepare each ear lobe by cleaning it thoroughly with an alcohol
swab, then rubbing it with some "Omni" solution, as demonstrated
by the instructor. Clip the BLUE A1 earclip electrode to
the LEFT earlobe and the WHITE A2 earclip electrode to
the RIGHT earlobe. The metal cup of each electrode goes on the
outer surface of the earlobe. Use the blunt syringe to fill the
cup of each electrode with electro-gel. Secure each electrode
with paper tape.
Attach the rainbow-colored elastic chest band around the upper
chest of your subject with the snaps in the front.
Slip foam "doughnut" pads to each of the two front polar (FP1
and FP2) electrodes on the ElectroCap. The sticky side of the
electrode goes toward the cap.
Position the ElectroCap on the head of the subject. Make sure
that the cap is centered on the head, with the foam pads at the
front. The two foam pads should rest ~1" above the subject's
Snap the two staps to the chest band, crossing them over in the
Find the electrodes labeled O1, O2, T3,
T4, and GND. O1 and O2 will be over
the occipital lobes about 1" above and to either side of the "inion"(the
depression at the base of the occipital bone on the back of the
head). T3 and T4 will be above the temporal lobes
about 1 inch directly above the left and right ear,
respectively. GND will be over the center of the head, just in
back of where the cables come out of the cap.
some Omni to the wooden end of a sterile swab, stick it through
the hole in the O1 electrode and gently abrade the scalp.
What you are trying to do is get rid of most of the dead skin
cells, and a bit of the epidermis. Try to almost, but not
quite, draw blood. Repeat this process for the O2, T3,
T4, and GND electrodes. Fill all five of these
electrodes with ElectroGel, using the blunt syringe. This may
sting a bit for the subject.
10) Have
the subject get comfortable, put her hands lightly on her knees,
and RELAX.
11) Turn
on the PowerLab box and the PCh. Select the ML Human EEG
alias on the desktop and launch it. The two channels have been
set up and labeled for you. Notice that Channel 1 is labeled as
Occipital and channel 2 is labeled as Temporal.
Notice also that the display settings involve some fancy
PowerLabisms, such as filters on each channel, a compression of
the horizontal scale, and a "smoothing" of each trace. These
are necessary to enhance the EEG display.
12) Start
the Chart display. Have the subject relax, with her eyes
open. It is particularly important for a "clean" recording that
the subject not clench her teeth (why?). The resting "beta" EEG
should show high-frequency, low amplitude activity on both
channels. If it does not, consult with the instructor.
Record at
least 1 minute of resting EEG activity.
Q10: Is the resting activity for the two
channels synchronized?
Q11: Does the resting activity for the two
channels look qualitatively similar? Does it have similar
overall amplitude and frequency properties?
Occipital Alpha and Alpha Blocking
For the
following recording, you will need to keep accurate records of
exactly when the subject opened her eyes, closed her eyes, etc.
so that you can mark and annotate the Chart record.
Have the
subject relax with her eyes open.
Start the
Chart display. and record at least 1 minute of resting
beta activity.
instruct the subject to "clear her mind", allow herself to
become deeply relaxed, and lightly close her eyes. If you are
lucky, one or both channels will shift into higher amplitude,
lower frequency (8-12 Hz) sinusoidal oscillations - alpha
Record at least 1 minute of this activity. If you are not
getting any alpha activity, it is most likely because the
subject is not fully relaxed, or because the scalp preparation
was inadequate. In either case, try a few more times before
consulting with the instructor.
If you are getting good alpha, have the subject open her eyes
and close her eyes several times, with at least 10 seconds
between each action, and observe the record for alpha activity.
have the subject relax with her eyes closed, and establish clear
alpha activity. Snap your fingers behind her head and observe
the recording. Does the click block or suppress alpha
activity. Snap your fingers several more times.
Q12: Does the alpha suppression response
"habituate" or diminish with repeated stimulations?
Q13: Which recording site (occipital or
temporal) shows stronger alpha? Since alpha seems to be most
directly blocked by visual input, does this agree with what you
know about the site of primary cortical processing of visual
C. Cleanup
When you
are satisfied with your recordings, save the data files.
remove the ElectroCap, chest strap, and earclip electrodes.
Clean as much electro-gel as possible from the subject's hair,
using gauze pads.
Rinse off
the ear clip electrodes in water, then swab with an alcohol
the ElectroCap in a sink filled with dilute dish soap.
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