Guide to Gross
Your texts do not
treat the skull and head as a separate topic, so the background
for the following will be distributed in several text locations.
Use the index notes to find applicable figures and guides.
Skull {FAP
6-7, Figs. 7-2 to 7-15; APL 8.1, Figs 8.4, 8.12}
We have already
introduced the bones of the skull in Week 4. This week you should
review them with more attention to detail, specifically the bony
surfaces, process, and foramina that relate to the brain,
cranial nerves, and facial muscles.
a) Identify the
following bones and their parts on the skull (the disarticulated
skull will help):
Cranial bones:
gabella sup. and inf. nuchal lines
supraorbital ridges
occipital condyles
supraorbital margin ext. occipital
frontal sinuses
superior temporal line
cribriform plate
crista galli
plate squamous portion
superior and middle conchae
mastoid portion
mastoid process
petrous portion
sphenoid styloid process
body zygomatic process
greater and lesser
squamosal surface
sella turcica
Facial bones:
alveolar margin
alveolar margin
palatine process
zygomatic process rami
maxillary sinus coronoid process
condyloid process
mandibular notch
process mandibular angle
orbital process
orbital process
pyramidal process
inferior nasal conchae
Ossicles (x2): {FAP Fig. 11-6}
- Palpate the
zygomatic arch. Which bones contribute to it?
- Palpate the
nasion - the depression where the nasal bones meet the frontal
bones. Palpate the inion - the depression immediately
below the occipital protuberance. The nasion and the inion,
together with the openings of the external auditory meatuses, are reference points used to clinically position EEG
- What bone
articulates with the vertebral column?
- Review the
locations of the paranasal sinuses. Where does the connecting
channel from each enter the nasal cavity?
- What bones
and related structures
contribute to the hard palate? To the nasal septum?
To the nose?
- What is the
collective function of the ossicles? Within which bone of
the skull do they reside?
b) Identify the
following sutures and associated fetal fontanels of the cranium
on the adult and fetal skull models:
midsagittal suture
squamosal suture
coronal suture
lambdoidal suture
frontal suture (fetal only)
fontanels (fontanelles):
anterior fontanel
occipital fontanel
sphenoidal (ant. lateral) fontanel
mastoid (post. lateral) fontanel
Identify the following fossae, foramina, and fissures of the skull:
anterior fossa
supraorbital foramina
fossae infratemporal fossa
olfactory foramina of the cribriform
mandibular fossa
middle fossa
orbital fossa
optic foramen
superior orbital
fissure superior
orbital fissure
foramen lacerum (carotid canal)
inferior orbital fissure
foramen rotundum
nasolacrimal canal
foramen ovale
infraorbital foramina
posterior fossa
temporal fossa
internal auditory meatus external auditory meatus
jugular foramen
mental foramina
hypoglossal canal
internal nares (choanae)
foramen magnum
- What bones
meet in the temporal fossae?
- What bones
contribute to the orbital fossae?
- What
bones articulate at the mandibular fossae?
For each of the fossae, try to identify what muscle(s) attach
there or what brain structure rests there. For each of the
foramina and fissures, identify what structures pass through.
Teeth {FAP
Figs. 21-8, 21-9}
The teeth (dentition)
are often studied with the digestive system, however, we will
learn them as part of the head.
a) Identify and
distinguish incisors, canines (cuspids), premolars (bicuspids),
and molars (tricuspids) in the sample adult skulls and models.
- What are the
distinguishing features of each? What role does each play
in mastication (chewing)?
- What is the
"dental formula" for an adult human? (#UI,#UC,#UP,#UM/#LI,#LC,#LP,#LM)
- What is the
anatomical relationship between the upper teeth and the
maxillary sinuses?
b) Study the emerged
teeth and pre-emergent sockets in the infant skull model.
- What
distinguishes deciduous (primary, baby) from permanent
(secondary, adult) teeth?
- What is the
dental formula for an infant human? (#UI,#UC,#UP,#UM/#LI,#LC,#LP,#LM)
Muscles {FAP Figs.11-5 to 11-8; APL 10-1, Figs
Facial muscles may be
divided into muscles of mastication and the muscles of facial
a) On the models
and charts locate the following muscles of mastication and give
their actions:
temporalis medial pterygoid
masseter lateral
- Note that these
muscles are innervated by the trigeminal nerve (NV), mandibular
b) On the models
and charts study the locate the following muscles of facial
expression and give their actions:
occipitofrontalis orbicularis oris buccinator
levator palpebrae
orbicularis oculi zygomaticus platysma
depressor anguli oris
- Note that these
muscles are innervated by the facial nerve (NVII).
- The levator
palpebrae superioris raises the upper eyelid. This is also a
muscle of facial expression, although it is innervated by the
oculomotor nerve (NIII).
b) On the models
and charts study the locate the following muscles of facial
expression and give their actions:
occipitofrontalis orbicularis oris buccinator
levator palpebrae
orbicularis oculi zygomaticus platysma
depressor anguli oris
- Note that these
muscles are innervated by the facial nerve (NVII).
- The levator
palpebrae superioris raises the upper eyelid. This is also a
muscle of facial expression, although it is innervated by the
oculomotor nerve (NIII).
Meninges {FAP
Figs. 14-2, 14-3; APL 13-1, Fig. 13.11, 13.12}
Within the skull and
spinal column, the central nervous
system is encased in three layers of connective tissue - the meninges. These serve the functions of protection, support,
cushioning, and access for blood vessels.
a) Locate the outer
dura mater on the prepared brains, models, and charts. Try to
locate the following dural reflections:
falx cerebri falx cerebelli
tentorium cerebelli
- What cortical
structures does each of these dural reflections separate?
- Note that the
cranial dura is two layers thick. The outer layer is continuous
with the periosteum of the inner surface of the skull.
b) Locate the
arachnoid membrane, the subarachnoid space, and the pia mater on
the prepared brains (if possible).
- What fluid fills
the subarachnoid space? Local enlargements of this space are
called cisterns (see charts).
- Note that the
dura and arachnoid only follow the major fissures of the brain,
while the pia closely follows all of the surface convolutions.
Blood vessels supplying and draining the brain travel in the pia.
Circulation of the
Skull and Head
{FAP Figs. 12-21,
21-27; APL Figs.
13.11, 18.4, 18.5, 18.10, 18.11}
There are really two interconnected circulatory
systems of the brain; one containing blood and the other
containing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
a) Study the
diagrams and (bad) model of the Circle of Willis {APL Fig
18.5}. Identify the following
arteries in the prepared brains and models:
basilar posterior
cerebrals posterior communicatings
vertebrals middle
cerebrals anterior communicating
internal carotids anterior cerebrals
- What three
arteries supply blood to the circle? Describe the course each
takes through the neck and how it penetrates the skull.
- Branches of the
basilar artery supply most of the lower brain structures. What
regions are supplied by each of the cerebral arteries? How
would you expect this anatomical specificity to manifest in
behavioral and cognitive loss patterns seen following
cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs), losses of blood supply (ischemias),
and strokes?
- Note that the
communicating arteries complete the circle. What advantage
could this circular pattern convey for maintaining blood supply
to all of the brain?
b) Small veins
which run through the pia mater all terminate in a network of
venous sinuses within the dural infoldings. Identify the
following sinuses in the models and prepared brains (where
superior sagittal sinus
sigmoid sinus petrosal sinuses
inferior sagittal sinus sinus confluens cavernous sinuses
straight sinus
transverse sinuses
internal jugular veins
- Trace the sinus
network to its common drainage into the internal jugular veins.
By what route do these veins leave the skull?
c) From
the diagrams in your text, locate the following external vessels
on each side of the head and state which region each supplies of
occipital artery and vein
(superficial) temporal artery and vein
maxillary artery and vein
facial artery and vein
external carotid artery
external jugular vein
d) The CSF {APL Fig, 13.6} is a
blood plasma filtrate that is produced from arterial blood in
the choroid plexus of the ventricles, circulates through the
ventricular and subarachnoid spaces, and is reabsorbed through
the arachnoid granulations into the venous blood of the
sinuses. The known functions of the CSF include cushioning and
nourishment. It also provides an indirect target for monitoring
chemical makeup of the blood.
- We will be studying
the ventricular system of the brain again with the rest of the
central nervous system. For now, identify ventricles I &
II (lateral ventricles), III, and IV, as well as the cerebral
aqueduct on the ventricular system model. Identify the
central canal on the spinal cord cross-section model.
- Trace the
possible routes a tiny droplet of CSF might take on its journey
from production in the choroid plexus of a lateral ventricle to
reabsorption into the superior sagittal sinus. Note that some
possible routes involve washing into and out of the "dead ends"
of the central canal and subarachnoid space of the spinal cord.
- The CSF is
circulated principally by the pressure difference between the
capillaries of the choroid plexus and the venous sinuses , which
are at subatmospheric pressure when you are standing.
Yes, your brain really does suck. Sorry.
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