Guide to Gross
The upper extremity
bones are: {APL 8-3}
the shoulder
girdle - clavicle, scapula
arm - humerus
forearm - radius, ulna
wrist - 8 carpals
hand - 5 metacarpals, 14 phalanges,
This week we are also
learning arthrology {APL Unit 9}, the study and classification of joints.
For the purposes of this guide and the lab exams to fully
classify a joint means to classify it by degree of moveability,
by structure, and by range of motion (for synovial joints).
a) Examine a
clavicle {FAP Fig. 8-2; APL Fig. 8.21}. The sternoclavicular joint is the only point of
articulation between the axial skeleton and the upper
extremity. This allows for great flexibility of motion, at the
expense of strength and stability. Evolutionarily, this is a
holdover from our quadruped ancestors. Think about how a cat,
horse or rabbit runs. Why is it important that the upper
(anterior) extremity not be rigidly connected to the axial
- Palpate the
clavicle along its length from the manubrium to the acromion of
the scapula. Why is the clavicle so susceptible to breakage,
particularly in children?
- Look closely at
the clavicle. How could you distinguish a left from a right
- Fully classify
the sternoclavicular joint.
b) Examine a scapula
{FAP Fig. 8-3; APL Fig. 8.20} and locate the following structures and regions:
spine medial
border inferior angle
acromion lateral border subscapular
coracoid process superior border
infraspinous fossa
glenoid fossa superior angle
supraspinous fossa
- Palpate the
medial border of the scapula while the arm goes through its full
range of motion. Notice how much of the flexibility of motion
of the upper extremity relative to the trunk is actually due to
the motion of the scapula.
- Fully classify
the acromioclavicular joint.
c) Examine a humerus
{FAP Fig. 8-4; APL Fig. 8.22}.
Identify the following structures and regions:
groove medial epicondyle
anatomical neck
deltoid tuberosity lateral epicondyle
surgical neck
shaft olecranon fossa
greater tubercle trochlea
coronoid fossa
tubercle capitulum
- In order to
fully abduct the arm, what additional motion of the humerus must
occur? Try it yourself to see.
- Fully
classify the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint. Notice that the
"socket" of the joint is greatly reduced, compared to the hip
joint. This again increases flexibility at the expense of
stability, and makes the shoulder much more prone to
- The structures
contributing to stability of the glenohumeral joint, in order of
importance are:
1) rotator cuff
2) accessory
3) bony components of
the joint
4) fibrous capsule of
the joint
- Palpate the
medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus.
d) Examine the
radius and ulna {FAP Fig. 8-5; APL Fig. 8.23} and locate the following structures and regions:
head radial tuberosity
styloid process
shaft ulnar notch
olecranon radial
notch styloid process
coronoid process shaft
- Fully
classify the elbow. Note that although there are three distinct
articulations (radiohumeral, ulnohumeral, proximal radioulnar)
with distinct motions, they all share a single synovial capsule
and the elbow is classified according to the motion of the
forearm relative to the arm (hinge).
Notice that the radius and ulna are connected at three
sites. The proximal and distal radioulnar articulations are
synovial. How would you classify the intermediate radioulnar
joint (the interosseous membrane)?
e) The wrist
{FAP Fig. 8-6; APL Fig. 8.24} is
made up of 8 small carpal bones, arranged in two rows. We will
not study these bones individually.
- Fully classify
the radiocarpal joint.
- Where is the
midcarpal joint, and what are the primary motions possible
f) Study the hand
{FAP Fig. 8-6; APL Fig. 8.24}. The palm of the hand is
formed by the 5 metacarpals. Each finger has 3 phalanges,
except the thumb, which has 2.
Fully classify the carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, and
interphalangeal joints.
Review {FAP Ch. 9; APL Unit 9}
In as much as
arthrology is being introduced this week with the appendicular
skeleton, we have not yet covered the arthrology of the axial
skeleton,. As a final exercise in joint classification, try to
classify the joints of the axial skeleton, using a skeleton and
your text as guides.
Upper Extremity
The muscles of the
upper extremity may be subdivided according to several schemes.
The one used here agrees roughly with most anatomy guides, but
you should feel free to organize the muscles for yourself in
any way that makes sense to you. If you learn the origin and
insertion of a muscle, you should be able to deduce its action.
Further, if you can recognize the muscles, and know the skeleton
well, you can directly see the origin and insertion for most
muscles. After studying the actions of specific muscles, be
sure to review with an emphasis on how they interact to animate
the upper extremity.
a) Muscles of
scapular stabilization {FAP Figs. 11-14 to 11-16; APL
Figs. 10.11, 10.12}. These muscles connect the axial
skeleton to the scapula. Collectively they move the scapula,
while at the same time stabilizing it against the thorax and
restricting its motion. Study the origin, insertion and action
of the following:
trapezius rhomboideus
major serratus anterior
levator scapulae rhomboideus
minor pectoralis minor
- Which
of these muscles are synergists? Which are antagonists?
b) Superficial
shoulder muscle {FAP Figs. 11-14 to 11-16; APL Figs.
10.9 to 10.12}. These muscles are unique in that they connect
the axial skeleton directly to the humerus, bypassing the
shoulder girdle. Study the origin, insertion, and action of the
pectoralis major (sternal
head) latissimus dorsi
- Name a
synergist for each action of these muscles.
c) Shoulder
muscles {FAP Figs. 11-14 to 11-16; APL Figs. 10.9 to
10.12}. These muscles connect the shoulder girdle to the humerus. Study the origin, insertion, and action of the
pectoralis major (clavicular
head) deltoid
teres major
d) Rotator cuff
muscles {FAP Figs. 11-14 to 11-16; APL Figs. 10.9 to
10.12}. These muscles also connect the shoulder girdle to the humerus and are the
major stabilization of the glenohumeral joint. They derive
their group name from the fact that they are primary rotators of
the arm. Study the origin, insertion, and action of the
supraspinatus teres
- Is the teres major a synergist or antagonist to the teres minor?
- Name a
synergist and an antagonist for the infraspinatus.
- Study
the relationship of the deltoid and supraspinatus muscles.
Why is the supraspinatus in a better position to initiate
abduction of the arm? Why is the deltoid in a better position
for most of the range of abduction? Why do you suppose
that the supraspinatus is so subject to tearing (rotator cuff
tear) in sports
requiring full abduction or circumduction of the arm?
e) Muscles of the
arm {FAP Figs. 11-16 to 11-18; APL Figs. 10.11 to 10.17}. These are muscles which traverse the arm and have primary
actions across the elbow. Study the origin, insertion, and
action of the following:
biceps brachii (long & short heads)
triceps brachii (long, medial, & lateral
head) bracioradialis
- Where
does the short head of the biceps brachii originate? What are
two other
muscles which attach to this beak-shaped bony process?
- Study
the skeleton to understand why the biceps brachii has a
supinating action in addition to its primary actions of flexing the elbow and
extending the shoulder.
- Note
that there is a prominent bursa associated with the long head of
the biceps as it
runs through the intertubercular groove. What is the function
of a bursal sac?
- Which
of these muscles cross both the shoulder and elbow joints?
f) Muscles of the
forearm {FAP Fig. 11-18; APL Figs. 10.13, 10.14}. These muscles fall into four prominent groups each of
which shares common origins (roughly), insertions, and actions.
The groups are named for their
relative locations and actions on the wrist and fingers. Study
the origin, insertion, and action of the following groups:
superficial common flexors superficial
common extensors
deep common flexors
deep common extensors
Note that the superficial groups cross the elbow, while the deep
groups do not.
- Note also that there are three muscles in the forearm which do
not fit conveniently into these
groups, due to somewhat different attachments or actions. They
are the pronator teres, pronator
quadratus, and supinator. What are the actions of these
muscles (the names should provide a strong clue)?
g) Muscles
of the hand {FAP Fig. 11-19; APL Fig. 18.14}. These muscles are responsible for opposition of
the thumb and fingers, as well as individual
motions of the fingers. Study the location and actions of
thenar group lumbricales
hypothenar group interossei
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