A. Crayfish Surgery
One person in your group does this, while the other does IB.
1) Chill a crayfish, cut off the abdomen as close as
possible to the thorax, and pin it out in a Sylgard-lined bowl.
Immerse the abdomen in crayfish Ringer's.
2) Following the procedures detailed in the Olivo
vide link above, use your fine iris scissors to make two shallow
cuts at the lateral margins of the ventral cuticle. Extend
each cut the length of the abdomen. Peel back the just
the ventral cuticle towards the telson, being careful to leave
the nerve cord and nerve roots intact within the abdomen.
You may have to do some further careful dissection of the filmy
"under-cuticle" to fully expose the nerve cord and roots.
When you are finished, you should have completely exposed the
intact ventral nerve cord. Each of the more posterior segments
should have long first and second nerve roots cut only at their
lateral extremities. Try to actually touch the nerve cord
and roots as little as possible with the metal instruments.
B. Recording Setup
1) Turn on the PC and the PowerLab box, if necessary, and
open the Scope program. Set it up for recording from input
channel 1 only. Set this channel for monopolar recording, set
the Range to 50 mV, and activate AC filter. Set up Scope for
repetitive sampling at 100 msec/sweep and the maximum sampling
Under the Setup menu of Scope select Stimulator . . ., then set
the stimulator Mode: to Pulse, Delay to 5msec, Duration to 1msec
and Amplitude to about 4 Volts. Under the
Display menu select Display Settings . . . , then set the Graticule to a grid pattern and Channel A to an attractive
color. Under the Display menu choose Overlay Stimulator and
place the stimulator trace at the top of the window.
Connect the Output + of the PowerLab box to the TRIGGER IN of
the electronic stimulator with a BNC cable. Connect the output
cable to the stimulator and to the stimulation probe mounted on
one of the micromanipulators. The electronic stimulator
must remain TURNED OFF at this point.
4) You will be using one channel of the Model 1800
two-channel AC amplifier. Make sure that the amplifier ground is
connected to the common cage/PowerLab ground. Turn on the
amplifier. Set the live amplifier channel to Rec and x1000 gain.
Turn on the 60Hz notch filter and set the Low- and High-cutoff
filters to 100 Hz and 5 kHz, respectively. Make sure that Scope
channel A is recording from this live channel of the amplifier.
5) Check to make sure that the suction electrode
corresponds to the correct channel of the model 1800. Blow
any residual water/saline out of the suction electrode tip.
Make sure that all three preamplifier leads are correctly
connected to the suction electrode.
6) Turn on the audio amplifier. Make sure that the
Mono switch is out and the selector is set to Tuner (this
corresponds to directly monitoring the output of the 1800
amplifier to the PowerLab inputs). Make sure that the audio
selector switch is set to STR.
7) Position the suction electrode tip in the bath
and suck up just enough Ringer's solution to fill the suction
tip. Start the repetitive scope sweep and verify a normal
and acceptable background noise level on both the screen and the
audio monitor.
A) Background Activity
1) Position the crayfish abdomen so that the telson
is pointed directly towards the back of the Faraday cage and the
cut end of the abdomen is pointed towards you. Carefully
examine the crayfish abdomen. Each ganglion should have
four large nerve roots extending directly out of it. The
more caudal pair are the first roots and the more distal pair
are your targets the second roots. Just caudal to the
ganglia two more pairs of nerve roots emerge - the larger deep
third roots and the tiny superficial roots. If you have
ANY questions about the anatomy just discussed, ask the
instructor for clarification before proceeding. If you
have severed the ventral nerve cord anywhere along its path
through the abdomen, you will have to discard the crayfish
abdomen and start over with a new one.
2) Lift the rostral cut end of the nerve cord using a
small glass hook. For ONLY THE FIRST TWO SEGMENTS
(the ones closest to the thorax), cut all four roots on each
side close to their origins in the ventral cord. Gently
free up the cord from below, so that the cord in these first two
abdominal segments can be lifted clear of the underlying muscle
tissue. You will use your fine iris scissors to cut each
nerve root, but manipulate the roots and nerve cord using only
the glass hooks. Try not to touch the nerve cord or
roots with any metal instruments.
3) Choose a long second nerve root on one of the
posterior ganglia. Position your suction electrode and
suck up this second root, as described in the Olivo video clip.
4) Start Scope and monitor the ongoing background
activity. You should see spontaneous activity from
multiple motor units (there are actually thirteen in each II
root). You may be able to increase this background
activity level by stimulating the hairs on the telson with a
brush - to reduce background noise be sure to ground yourself to
the cage before reaching in.
5) It will probably
be most convenient to save samples of your background activity
by setting Sampling to Multiple. Stop the Scope sweeps
when you are finished.