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The Do-It-Yourself Neuron

Electronic Simulations for Neurobiology Instruction


The Do-It-Yourself Neuron (DIYN) is a set of electronic hardware boards and accompanying exercises which are physical realizations of equivalent circuit models.  Hardware simulations combine "hands-on" experience with simple recording preparation and completely reproducible results.  As such they can effectively complement parametric computer simulations and standard "wet" laboratory exercises involving in vivo or in vitro recording.


Do-It-Yourself Neuron Models and Laboratory Exercises



       Resistor/Capacitor Test Model                         Resistor-Ladder Cable Properties Model          Resistor/Capacitor Cable Properties Model




 Resistor/Capacitor Single Compartment Model    Gated Equivalent Circuit Action Potential Model


Development of the models and course exercises of the Do-It-Yourself Neuron was supported

 by funds from the Munroe family of Georgia and  NSF DUE/CCLI grant #9950546.