The Do-It-Yourself Neuron
(DIYN) is a set of electronic hardware boards and accompanying
exercises which are physical realizations of equivalent circuit
models. Hardware simulations combine "hands-on" experience
with simple recording preparation and completely reproducible
results. As such they can effectively complement
parametric computer simulations and standard "wet" laboratory
exercises involving in vivo or in vitro
Do-It-Yourself Neuron Models and Laboratory Exercises
Resistor/Capacitor Test Model
Resistor-Ladder Cable Properties Model
Resistor/Capacitor Cable Properties Model

Single Compartment Model Gated Equivalent Circuit Action Potential Model
Development of the models and
course exercises of the Do-It-Yourself Neuron was supported
by funds from the Munroe
family of Georgia and
NSF DUE/CCLI grant #9950546. |