Action potentials (APs) are rapid events, having typical time
courses of 0.5 to 5.0 msec (depending on the species, neuron
type, and temperature). This has several consequences for
our recording. The first is that we will not be concerned
with slowly-changing electrical potentials at our recording
site, so we can filter them out. Since the action
potential has the form of a rather smooth wave, we can also
simultaneously filter out high frequency electrical "shot" noise
produced by random thermal motion of electrons and ions.
This also greatly simplifies the kind of electrode which we can
As you will no doubt remember from class material, the transmembrane
voltage change associated with a typical action potential is on
the order of 125 millivolts (mV) peak-to-peak. A good rule of
thumb for the kind of extracellular recording which we will be
employing here is that maximal AP amplitudes will be 1/1000 of
that, or about 125 microvolts (mV)
peak-to-peak. This makes the the extracellularly-recorded
AP a rather tiny electrical event. 125
mV is, in fact, well within the expected range of
background electrical noise. As a consequence, we will have
to use every trick at our disposal to minimize electrical noise
effects. These tricks will include using
electrically-shielded coaxial recording leads, surrounding both
roach and electrodes with a grounded Faraday cage, differential
recording, and selective "bandpass" filtering of the recorded
signal. We will also have to amplify our signal quite a
bit. To accomplish this we will be using an additional
general-purpose electrical amplifier between the roach and the
PowerLab system.
A note about electromagnetism and Faraday cages is in order
here. Only changing, or "AC" electrical currents produce
radiate electromagnetic fields which might interfere with our
recording; steady "DC" currents do not. A properly
grounded Faraday cage, augmented by your properly grounded body
in front of the opening, largely shields the interior area from
electromagnetic fields in the room. The practical bottom
line of all of this is that it is OK to put DC powered
equipment, like the microscope light, inside the cage, but is is
not OK to run an unshielded AC line into the cage. For
this reason, the box for the fiber-optic light source must
stay outside the cage.
The final piece of new equipment which we will use today is the
micromanipulator. Be very careful using it, and make sure
that the magnetic base is secure before adjusting it. Pay
special attention to what you are doing for two main reasons:
it is quite possible to impale yourself on the pin probe and the
manipulator is a ridiculously expensive piece of equipment to
repair or replace. |
In order
to save time on this lab, the cabling, the amplifier settings,
and the PowerLab/Scope/Chart settings have been set up for you.
One or two members of your group should follow through
subsections A and B below to confirm these settings and to make
sure that you understand what each cable is for and how you are
going to accomplish the recording. Another member of your
group should practice with the micromanipulator using the
instructions in subsection C below. A final member should
procure and mount a roach leg following the instructions in
Section II.
Recording Setup
1) The
roach leg will ultimately be mounted in modeling clay on a
microscope slide which, in turn, will be mounted under the
dissecting microscope. Tiny "minuten" pins will serve as
the recording electrodes and slightly larger insect pins will
secure the upper leg and serve as the electrical ground
Find the
two small wire leads which have been soldered to minuten pins.
Find the red and green wire leads from the preamplifier
headstage of the Channel 1 input of the Model 1800
amplifier. Attach the minuten pin leads to the red and
green headstage leads.
3) Trace the cables to
confirm that the headstage you are using is, in fact , connected
to channel 1 of the Model 1800 amplifier. Confirm that the output of Channel 1 of the Model 1800 amplifier
is connected via a T-connector to both the Channel 1 input of
the MacLab/PowerLab box and to the Tuner input of the audio
amplifier via the small RadioShack selector box.
4) On the small
selector box make sure that the "STR" button is pushed. On the audio
amplifier set the selector switch and button to Tuner.
Make sure that the Mono button is OUT.
Turn the volume knob about halfway up and the Balance Knob all
the way counterclockwise (to play only the left channel).
Do not turn on the audio amplifier at this time.
B. PowerLab, Scope, and
Amplifier Setup:
1) Turn on the MacLab/PowerLab
2) From the screen desktop
choose "Roachmeister Chart" which opens a Chart settings file.
3) Take a look at the
Chart display settings. It should be set up to display
only Channel 1 for 40K/s sampling (upper right) and a display
compression ration of 500:1 (lower right).
4) Open the Channel 1
Input Amplifier box to confirm that the low-pass filter is OFF,
the recording is Single-Ended, and the AC Coupling is ON.
5) On Channel 1 of the
Model 1800 amplifier make the
following settings:
60 Hz Notch Filter
Gain Knob
x 1000
Low Frequency Filter 100 Hz
High Frequency Filter 5 kHz
Do not turn on the 1800 amplifier yet.
C. Microscope,
Illumination, and Micromanipulator Setup:
1) Turn on the fiber-optic
light source, turn it up to about 70, and direct both beams at
the microscope stage. Secure a slide with a clay square on
the microscope stage.
2) One of your group
should spend some time now getting used to the controls of the
micromanipulator. It has three sets of of micrometer
knobs, each of which moves the probe tip along a separate
orthogonal axes, which could be defined as up<->down,
back<->forth, and in<->out. The joystick also moves the
probe back<->forth and in<->out, but not up<->down. Check
how each knob moves the probe tip.
3) Now practice looking
through the microscope while you manipulate the probe.
Pick a spot on the clay and practice touching the spot with
probe tip. Continue to practice until you are comfortable
with the manipulator controls. Retract the probe tip away
from the slide area when you are finished.
Cockroaches have a long and distinguished evolutionary lineage.
They have have survived virtually unchanged since at least the
Jurassic period, and will no doubt be here long after we and our
descendants are gone. A humbling thought. Now where
where those scissors? |
1) Get a roach.
Your instructor will probably have isolated a roach for you, put it in its own test tube,
and pre-chilled it in the refrigerator. If not, good hunting.
2) Shake out the roach
on the table and grab it (quickly!). Flip it over and cut off both hind legs as
close to the body as possible. Hand one of the legs to
another group. Put the roach back into the test tube and
let it ponder the vagaries of fate.
3) Take the severed leg
over to your station. Place the leg on the modeling clay
on the slide so that the ventral surface of the leg is up (the
ventral surface is the side of the leg which faced the ground in
the intact roach). The leg should be positioned so that
the coxa and femur (proximal two segments) lie on the clay,
while the tibia and coxa (distal segments) are hanging off of a
straight edge of the clay over the glass of the slide.
4) Pin the coxa
securely to the clay with two crossed insect pins.
5) Now take another small piece of
clay and put it under the tarsus, so that the joint between the
femur and the tibia is immobilized. The tibia must be
completely exposed between the clay-bound femur and tarsus,
with none of the tibial spines touching the clay.
6) De-zoom the
microscope to the lowest power. Position the slide under
the microscope so that you have a clear view of the femur, BUT
SO THAT THE TIBIA IS CENTERED in the microscope field. Stick the slide down to
the glass stage disk with a few small pieces of clay. Rotate the
leg so that the tibia is pointed straight towards you, then
secure the glass plate in place.
The next few steps are a bit
tricky, so proceed carefully. You will be attaching a
comparatively bulky and robust cable to a comparatively fragile
leg, so it is important that the cable not be able to move
relative to the leg.
7) Observe the roach
leg through the microscope, As you zoom in you should be
able to make out the dull, branching, whitish-yellow nerve running through
the femur, deep to the golden-brown cuticle. The nerve
runs about 2/3 of the way between the smooth, convex outer edge
of the femur and the bristly, convex inner edge. Do not
confuse the nerve with the shiny, air-filled tracheal which runs
through the center of the femur.
8) Secure the 1800 headstage
to the microscope stage with
several pieces of tape. Make sure that the black (ground)
headstage wire lead is clipped onto the exposed gold jack of the
green (reference) lead. This is called "pinning ground to
reference" and is important in minimizing background electrical
9) Using a pair of fine
forceps, stick the two tiny minuten pins trough the femur and
into the clay, one near each end of the femur. Each pin
should pass near, but not through the nerve, and should
be imbedded securely into the clay. These will be your
recording electrodes for monitoring action potentials in the
10) Examine your leg and electrode
mount. Again, it is essential that the cable, clips and pin not
be able to move relative to each other, so as to not tear or pull out of the femur. It is
also essential that the tibia be be exposed and oriented towards
you (directly away from the neck of the microscope) so that you can
access all of its spines with a sharp probe. Finally, it
is important that you be able to access all of the tibial
sensillae spines with a probe without bumping into the recording
lead wires.
If the next four steps don't come
out right, consult the instructor.
11) Turn on both the 1800 amplifier
and the audio amplifier,
but keep the volume level moderate. You should hear a soft
hissing sound. You may or may not hear some intermittent
popping from spontaneous action potentials. If you are instead hearing a whining or
buzzing sound, or even inane redneck DJ chatter, then there is a
problem with your cable connections or electrode locations and
you should consult the instructor.
12) Start the Chart display.
You should get a trace with a stable baseline and irregular high
frequency activity. Again, you may see some intermittent
action potentials. If these conditions are not met,
consult the instructor.
13) Put a surgical glove on the
hand of your choice. The glove will isolate you from the
leg and recording electrodes and make you feel a bit like the
late Michael Jackson in his artistic prime. Lick or wet your other hand
and place it firmly on the aluminum base under the Faraday cage.
14) Pick up an insect pin probe, reach
into the Faraday cage, and carefully bend a few spines on
the exposed tibia. For at least some of these spines you
should get a response in the form of a burst of higher amplitude
action potentials on the screen and an accompanying burst of
clicking or popping sounds from the audio speakers. If you
can't find any responsive spines, consult the instructor.
15) For the rest of this lab be
sure to:
Periodically save your Chart data file with a novel name, keep
good written records of what treatments each time period
corresponds to, and lable the Chart trace internally, as you see
Suspend active recording of the Chart record whenever you are
not actually gathering data. To do this, click on the
small chart image at the lower right. The display will
continue on a grey background and a red X
will appear over the chart button. Clicck the button again
to exit this display-only mode and resume recording and note
that all of the intervening trace footage have disappeared.
A tactile sensillum consists of a spine which protrudes from the
cuticular surface, a hinged base plate, and one or more bipolar
sensory neurons whose distal processes contact the base of the
spine. Moving the spine distorts the base plate and
stimulates the sensory neurons, however, the responses of the
sensory cells are not typically directionally symmetrical.
Furthermore, the axons of the sensory neurons each take a unique
path through the peripheral nerves of the leg to the segmental
thoracic ganglion in the body of the roach. As a
consequence, any one set of electrodes will not "see" all of the
axons traveling through the peripheral nerve. The
exercises below involve mapping the general response properties
of the sensillae across the surface of the tibia and
characterizing in some detail the directional response
sensitivity of a single sensillum.
It might seem that the ideal response for a primary
mechanosensory neuron would be to simply fire continuously
whenever the spine is displaced, and to stop firing immediately
when the spine returns to its original position. This
would constitute a "tonic" response pattern, with the relative
firing rate coding for the degree of spine displacement or
Many mechanoreceptors actually respond maximally to an abruptly
applied and continuously maintained displacement with an
isolated, short burst of action potentials. This "phasic"
response pattern codes not for degree of displacement or
position of the spine, but rather for sudden changes in position
or acceleration of the spine.
The most common response pattern, however, is a "phasic-tonic"
pattern where a sudden bending of the spine in an appropriate
direction results in a short burst of rapid AP firing, followed
by a slower, prolonged, continuous firing rate which lasts until
the spine returns to its resting position. |
A. Sensory Map of the
1) You will start by mapping
out the "receptive field" of the nerve from which you are
recording. To do this, you need to first make a drawing or
map of the surface of the tibia, with the locations of every
sensory spine. Develop a numbering system for the
spines, e.g.
for longitudinal rows with the spines in each row sequentially
for the distal ring of five spines
2) You can do this first bit
with Chart either actively recording or in the display-only
3) Using your pin while
you are looking through the microscope, carfeully deflect each
spine a few times, proximally towards the femur and coxa. Listen carefully to
the audio monitor and have another member of your group watch
the display. Make a note for each spine of whether or not
manipulating the spine produces a noticeable response.
4) Based on your preliminary
observations, develop a scale of relative AP amplitude from 1
(lowest) to 5 (highest).
5) Test each spine again by
carefully deflecting it proximally towards the femur and coxa.
Record the AP magnitude for each spine, using your 1-5 scale.
Action potentials originating from a single neuron or "unit"
have a fairly constant height. Can you identify more than
one distinct unit in some action potential trains that you are
6) Set Chart to
display-only mode when you are finished.