This lab works best if no more than 2 students share a
microscope and frog. Some of the responses occur very rapidly,
then just as rapidly reverse. You have to be literally looking
at the tongue under the microscope as you add the substance, or
you will miss the effect(s). If possible take turns at the
microscope and repeat applications, so that each person can see
each response. |
equipment needed for this lab includes a dissecting microscope,
a timer, a gooseneck lamp, a frog board, about a dozen small
dissecting pins, some frog Ringer's solution, several plastic
pipets (large for rising the tongue and small for chemical
applications), and a set of chemical test solutions.
1) Cover
the frog board with plastic wrap, then clear the plastic wrap
from the area of the observation hole.
Obtain a freshly pithed frog from your instructor. Wrap the
frog's body with a 2-3 wet paper towels. Place the frog dorsal
side up on the frog board, with the point of the jaw even with
the near edge of the observation hole, and secure it in place
with a few rubber bands.
3) Open
the frog's mouth, grasp the tongue with a pair of forceps, and
extend it out across the observation hole. The tongue is
attached at the front of the mouth, so grasp the rear portion of
the tongue to pull it out.
Stretch the tongue out fully over the hole and pin it in place
around the periphery. Try to keep your pins as close to the
edge of the tongue as possible, and try to avoid piercing any
major blood vessels.
Center the frog's tongue on the microscope stage, then secure
the board in place with several large pieces of modeling clay.
6) Turn
on the lamp and position it over the frog's body. The lamp will
keep the frog warm and improve circulation, but will tend to dry
out the frog. Periodically moisten the paper towels surrounding
the frog with water.
Keep the frog's tongue moist on both sides at all times using
Ringer's solution, NOT plain water.
Local mediators of vasoconstricition and vasodilation usually
have a fairly rapid effect and short time course of action. Why
is this important for their function? |
the tongue under the microscope. Start at low power, then
change objectives as necessary. If there are problems focusing,
make sure that your objective lens is clean. You may also have
to adjust the amount of light for best viewing. Locate an area
of the tongue which is thin - generally towards the edge of the
tongue rather than near the center. Select a spot that has
several small vessels, preferably at least one of which
bifurcates or is an anastomosis between two vessels. Once you
locate an appropriate area, try not to move the frog.
Promoting Peripheral Circulation
initial circulation may be relatively slow for several reasons.
Cool temperatures, the neural shock of pithing, and physical
manipulation of the tongue can all cause vasoconstriction.
Warming the frog, bathing the tongue with warm Ringer's
solution, quietly cursing your luck, or simply waiting a few
minutes may speed the circulation. If you have tried all of
these and your frog still shows no circulation, then start over
with another frog.
Observations of Microvascular Flow
Look for
red blood cells moving through the vessels. Frog red blood
cells are elongated and retain their nuclei, unlike the
disc-shaped mammalian RBCs. Move the board slightly, as
necessary to observe flow in both arterioles and venules. These
can be differentiated by observing flow past branch points.
Observe the laminar flow pattern of individual RBCs in a larger
arteriole or venule.
Q1: Are the RBCs in the center of the vessel
moving faster or slower than those near the edge of the vessel?
In the
smallest capillaries, blood cells will flow single file. Find
and observe such a capillary. Look for capillaries which are in
the act of closing or opening.
Q2: Should you expect all of the capillaries
in your field of view to be wide open at any one time? Why or
why not?
Q3: Is there any feasible way of determining how
many capillaries there are in your field of view, or will some
always be closed, and hence, invisible?
Effect of Local Mediators on Microcirculation
Apply each
of the following solutions directly to the area of the tongue in
your microscope field. Use one of the 1 ml (smaller size)
plastic pipets and apply a single drop of solution to the area.
Make sure that your partner is looking through the microscope as
you apply the solution.
If you
observe an immediate effect, record the effect, then rinse the
tongue off with a generous amount of Ringer's solution. Use one
of the larger pipets for this. As indicated above, if there was
a clear effect, you may want to switch people on the microscope
and repeat the application, so that everyone gets a chance to
see and agree on the effect. If you have not observed an
effect within five minutes, rinse the tongue with Ringer's and
proceed to the next solution.
Lactic acid Lactic acid is acidic and an indicator of high
metabolic demands and/or inadequate circulation, leading to
anaerobic metabolism. Lactic acid should, therefore have the
effect of increasing local circulation.
Norepinephrine (NE) Norepinephrine is the postganglionic
transmitter in the sympathetic nervous system. It acts on
smooth muscle cells of the arterioles and precapillary
sphincters via a-adrenergic
receptors, and is a mild vasoconstrictor.
Serotonin (5HT) In addition to being a CNS
neurotransmitter, 5HT is also an immune mediator, which is
released in response to the same factors which trigger histamine
release, e.g. in inflammatory responses. Serotonin also binds
to platelets and facilitates their aggregation.
Epinephrine (E) The epinephrine response is very fast and
can only be observed at virtually the instant the chemical is
applied. If the effect is too rapid to see, rinse the area
repeatedly with Ringer's for 10 minutes, then reapply a
10-fold dilution of the epinephrine solution. While we
associate epinephrine with its central effects of increasing
heart rate, in the periphery epinephrine is a potent
vasoconstrictor, whose effects are mediated by
receptors. Epinephrine thus functions to increase vascular
peripheral resistance, elevate arterial blood pressure, and
shunt blood back into the central circulation. Following your
application of epinephrine, rinse the area several times with
Ringer's over a 10-minute period, to restore the original level
of circulation.
Acetylcholine (ACh) Acetylcholine interacts with muscarinic
cholinergic receptors of the endothelium lining the precapillary
arterioles. It triggers the production and release of nitric
oxide (NO) which, in turn, diffuses to the smooth muscle of the
sphincters and causes it to relax. ACh, therefore, acts
indirectly as a vasodilator. The difficulty with seeing this
effect is that most tissues, including blood, have high levels
of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which rapidly hydrolizes and
inactivates acetylcholine. The vasodilatory effect of applied
ACh is therefore very transient. If you don't see an effect
after 2-3 applications, simply document what you did see, and
continue to the next solution.
Atropine Atropine blocks muscarinic receptors, and should
therefore block the ACh effect. If you did not see a good ACh
effect, then proceed directly to the next solution. If you did
see an ACh effect, then try blocking it with a prior application
of atropine.
Caffeine Apply a drop of caffeine and observe any direct
effects on microcirculation.
Adenosine In the central nervous system high adenosine
levels are associated with sleepiness. Caffeine blocks
adenosine receptors, which is why caffeine is a central
stimulant. Apply a drop of adenosine to your frog tongue,
observe any effects over the next minute or so, then apply a
drop of caffeine.
Histamine (H), Cimetidine (Tagamet), and Diphenhydramine
(Benadryl) Histamine is a potent local vasodilator and
vasopermeator, released from mast cells and basophilic white
blood cells as part of the inflammatory response.
Diphenhydramine blocks the H1 receptors which mediate this
response. Cimetidine blocks H2 receptors, which are not
involved. Apply a drop of histamine solution, and observe for
about 1 minute, or until a clear dilatory effect has taken
place. Apply a drop of cimetidine. There should be little
effect. Now apply a drop of diphenhydramine solution. The
effect should be immediate and dramatic.
Q4: Do all of your observed chemical/drug
effects agree with what you might have predicted, given the
known effects? Can you account for any deviations of your
results from your predictions?
Finishing Up
If you
have time, and if your frog tongue is still viable, you may
repeat any of the chemical applications which produced
unexpected results. When you are through with the experiment,
detach and dispose of the frog, and clean off the frog board,