


Build-A-Critter (BAC) is an ongoing project in vertebrate skeletal preparation, articulation, and mounting.  This serves as a set of student group projects in the biannual offering of my BIO 270 Vertebrate Zoology course.  This project also functions to expand and diversify the Wesleyan Osteology Collection of the Wesleyan Biology Progam.


Do-It-Yourself Neuron (DIYN) is a set of electronic hardware "boards", which simulate particular aspects of the function of neuronal membranes, neurons, or physiological amplifiers.  They are used in my BIO 325 Neurobiology course to teach students about theoretical and physical models, as well as to facilitate learning to use electrophysiological recording instrumentation.


FreeB is a accumulating collection of "home-made" devices and apparatuses of my own design for use in research and teaching laboratories.  These either meet particular, unique instrumentation needs in my BIO 340 Physiology and BIO 315 Animal Behavior courses, or they serve as economical substitutes for expensive commercial instrumentation.


Ouzel is a set of parametric and/or Monte Carlo computer simulations under development for classroom or laboratory instruction in evolution and behavioral ecology.  I have implemented simulations of  of the Gambler's Ruin approach to speciation/common descent and a foraging model of search strategies and search images for use in my BIO 315 Animal Behavior course.



Recurrence Time History Matching (RTHM) is a novel method for enhanced correlational analysis of temporal linkages between neuronal spike trains.  The software set includes the central graphical analytical program, a stochastic artificial spike-train generator, and a novel inferential statistical utility for 2-D scatterplots.


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Rev. 12.09